Monday 19 November 2007

Birthday Party

Cousin Kamron is 1 today, so we are going to go to his party at Nanny Rennolds' house later on.

First stop though was our yoga class. It was at a different house today and only 2 people showed up, including us!

Mummy enjoyed the class as it was like having a personal trainer.

For lunch today we went to see Jaidan, Sabriel and Leighton Wilson. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures but hopefully we are seeing them again next Monday so I will write more then.

The weather was really horrible today so we didn't get to go out for a walk.

I was so tired by the time we left the Wilson house that I fell asleep as soon as Mummy put me in the car seat.

The party was amazing! I had so much fun having loads of cuddles from everyone. Kamron, Chloe, Charley, Morgan and Ria were there. There were loads of prezzies and balloons. I was allowed to take a balloon home too. Mine had Postman Pat on it.

Here are some pictures and videos of the party.

Me and Nanny Rennolds

Me and Mary


Auntie Karen & Morgan

Charley and Kamron

Auntie Kate

Me and Kamron

Me, Kamron and Chloe

Me and the gang

Me and Uncle Craig

Mummy and I are really missing Daddy. The house is so quiet and I miss being able to have our long chats together in the evening. He is so funny, he makes me laugh. Mummy keeps giving me kisses and telling me they are from Daddy, that is so cute.

I love you Daddy and can't wait to see you on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. When it is your B day Ellis, we will do it all over again, I expect your Mummy will have different plans, but I know we will be blowing out candles, and having cake, can't wait, will be nice.

    Not too long now and Daddy will be home, saying Hello Hello, Hello Hello, to you. BET YOU CAN'T WAIT. X X X X


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