Sunday 31 August 2008

Nanny George is 60

I've been practicing my steps and I am slowly improving. I am getting more confident. Mummy might try and get a video of me soon.

Thursday Mummy did some cooking for me and we just stayed in all day.

Friday morning was swimming and then in the afternoon we went to this really big park and met up with Linda, Matthew and Jack. We haven't seen them for ages so it was really nice to catch up.

Matthew and Jack were off playing most of the time and I sat on the blanket with Mummy and Linda. I did get to have a go on the swings of course though.

I also sat on sand for the very first time. It felt really funny and tasted even funnier.

We stayed for a couple of hours and then went straight home. I had a little sleep in the car on the way back.

On Saturday Daddy had a lie in and then we all got up and went to do the food shopping. That is all we did, all day. Mummy was very pleased to have had the help though as usually we do it on our own and it is a lot of work.

Saturday night, Uncle Dave came over to baby sit and Mummy and Daddy went with Simon, Wayne & Nic to an evening do of a wedding.

Tim and Kay had a brilliant day and this is their first dance.

It was then time for everyone else to do a bit of barn dancing. Wayne and Nic were dragged up on the floor by Daddy who was waiting for Mummy (in the toilet) but she never arrived and so they were left on their own. They didn't seem to mind though and had a good laugh.

They arrived home really late.

Sunday morning Daddy got up with me and Mummy stayed in bed for a bit.

Then after my morning nap Nanny and Grandad George turned up with Uncle Dave.

It was Nanny Georges' 60th birthday so we all went out to a local pub for some food.

Lots of food was consumed by everyone and we all sung happy birthday too.

Afterwards we went to a park where we had a walk around and a drink. Grandad George had an espresso and when the large cup, with a small amount of coffee in, was handed to Nanny she asked Mummy where does she get it filled up. It was so funny! Mummy couldn't stop laughing. It didn't take long for Nanny and Grandad to realise that an espresso is just a small amount of strong coffee.

I had a sleep in my buggy for a bit and when I woke up I got to go in the park.

Daddy and Uncle Dave also had a go on the see-saw with their Mummy. It was really funny.

Also at the park was this funny silver wall with water running down it. I wasn't sure of it at first but I was soon splashing Mummy.

We went back to our house after and I showed everyone my new walking skills. It will still be quite a while before I am fully walking but I will get there.

Everyone stayed for quite a long time and soon after they left, Mummy and Daddy gave me a bath and put me to bed.

Daddy then went to bed himself and Mummy did the blog and watched some television.

I have my jab tomorrow which I am not looking forward to.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Thomas Barbour 8lb 11oz

On Wednesday we went for a very long car journey into Wales to see Mummy's friend Deborah who had just given birth to her second son, Thomas.

We arrived just after lunchtime so it wasn't long before I was sat in Evan's chair having some spaghetti bolognese.

After lunch I played with all of Evan's toys and we had lots of fun.

I had lots of opportunity to climb the stairs but I just can't seem to do it yet. I'm sure it wont be long.

Mummy had lots of cuddles but unfortunately we didn't get a photo.

Thomas was born on the 13th August weighing 8lb 11oz.

Deborah is doing really well and looked great!

Thomas looks very much like Evan did when he was born. Here is the photo evidence.

Deborah's Niece, Chelsea, was there too as she has been helping out. I had loads of fun with her and when it was time to go home, I didn't want to leave!

For my birthday Deborah had bought me a really good book and a hammering bench which I can't wait to use.

I slept in the car on the way home and then we just stayed in for the rest of the day.

In the evening I actually managed to do my first few steps! Mummy and Daddy were really excited and we kept trying. I need lots more practice but as soon as I am doing it properly we will get a video for you.

Daddy did the bath and bed routine and Mummy left early for her line dancing class. She had a really good time and didn't get home until quite late. By the time she had showered and got to bed it was gone mid-night.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Long Weekend

Daddy had a lie in on Saturday but straight after lunch we went out for a walk.

Mummy took some photos on the way.

We came upon a field with a horse in it. It looked really nice but it wouldn't come over to see us. We tried to get a picture instead.

While we were admiring the horse we noticed a sign that had a sad story.

We continued our walk on to the park where I was able to get out of the buggy and have some fun.

I had a go in the swing.

I went on the see-saw.

I also went on the slide, which worked better because I had jogging bottoms on.

When we got home I wasn't put down for a nap. This would prove to be a bad idea.

At dinner time, Mummy struggled to get me to finish my food as I was slowly falling off to sleep. Mummy then sat with me on the sofa and I promptly fell asleep in her arms which I haven't done for months now.

Mummy let me sleep for just over half an hour and then woke me up.

Bath time was a nightmare as I just wanted to sleep! It was very quickly done though and I soon had a full tummy of milk and was tucked up in bed.

Sunday was rubbish, Mummy had a lie in and came downstairs at lunchtime.

Mummy and I were so bored that we ended up just walking down to the shops and back. Good job Mummy didn't leave this hair tie in!

Sunday night Mummy went to a line dance with Grandad Rennolds and had loads of fun.

Monday was a bank holiday and so Daddy was home.

We messed around for the morning and then after lunch we all went out for a bike ride.

We did a slightly different route than before and we ended up going through an old railway tunnel. It was really dark, cold, damp and scary. Mummy had her sun glasses on so it was extra dark for her. I was asleep so didn't even notice.

Mummy made Daddy tow me the whole way which made a nice change for her and also I think Daddy did enjoy it.

We went to the shops to get some milk and bumped into Sally and Anna. After a quick chat we stopped off at the park again as I do get a bit bored stuck in my little bike trolley.

I did the usual things of the swing, slide and see-saw.

Monday night Daddy did the bath and bed routine and Mummy went out to another line dance. She again had a brilliant time but while acting like an idiot she fell over and hurt herself. She wasn't even dancing at the time! So far her shoulder, neck, elbow and left shoulder blade are hurting. She hit her head too but can't really feel that.

Tuesday morning we were really lazy and then in the afternoon we went to Sally and Anna's house for Mummy afternoon.

It used to be rather relaxing for the Mummies but now that we are all on the move, they find themselves moving around with us. We find it quite funny but I think the Mummies would much rather sit relaxed and have a tea and a chat.

We arrived home just after Daddy got back from work. We all had dinner and then Mummy bathed me and put me to bed.

Friday 22 August 2008

Baby Boy Wilson

Thursday we didn't do anything special all day, which was actually quite nice. I had a huge amount of sleep though.

I went down for a nap at 9am and woke at 11:30am. After lunch I became a bit grizzly so Mummy put me back to bed and I slept from 1:30pm to 3:15pm.

We then went for a walk to the shops to get some milk.

Here are some pictures of the things that we got on our shopping trip on Wednesday. Mummy can't wait for me to use the pyjamas.

Mummy did the bath and bed routine as Daddy was going out.

Friday morning we met the gang for swimming. I had an amazing time playing on the steps of the pool and jumping in from the sides. I was dunked a lot too. I don't mind.

We had a surprise today as Jaimie, Ria and Ashlee showed up too.

Faith wasn't very happy so didn't stay in the pool for long.

On the way home I fell asleep and I was woken up by Nanny which was a bit of a surprise.

After lunch we went in the car to see Jaidan, Sabriel, Leighton and their new addition, a little boy who hasn't been named yet. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Baby Boy Wilson was born on Monday, weighing 8lbs and this was the first chance that we had to see him. Mummy was so excited and loved having cuddles with him. She also tried to take some nice pictures of his feet and hands.

I had fun too playing with all of Sabriel's toys, along with the DVDs, remote controls and anything else I wasn't supposed to be touching.

We stayed for a couple of hours and then went home. I had a little sleep on the way back.

I ate sandwiches for dinner and then when Daddy came home we played for a bit before Mummy bathed me and put me to bed. I was shattered after only having about an hours sleep today. A little bit different from Thursday.

Daddy went out to also see the new addition to the Wilson family.

Bank holiday weekend this weekend but I don't think Mummy and Daddy have anything planned.

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