I just pottered about for most of the morning and then suggested to Rob that we cycle to B&Q to get some ant powder. I also needed bananas for the morning which I could pick up from M&S. We have an ant problem in the kitchen, it happened last year too.🐜
Turned out the bike ride was a good idea. All the boys were great and didn't moan at all. It was nice to do a slightly different route too which made it more interesting.🚲
Rob queued for B&Q and I went to M&S. I started outside and once I was let in I thought that would be it but nope, yet more queuing inside too. It was very eery and strange in the store. It's all been moved around and there are barriers and obviously lots of tape on the floor and signs. Everyone is very quiet and I just hated it. I think during lockdown I've spent the vast majority of my time at home living in a little bubble and I'm blissfully unaware of what is going on all around. It's only when you go to somewhere that used to be buzzing with people going about their lives that you see how different things really are. I don't like it and was looking forward to getting home and back in my bubble. Luckily everyone else felt the same way too and we stormed it back! The boys did the Warmley Hill as we call it with no problems and didn't even need to stop for a rest at the top. They did amazing.👏💪
We had a very late lunch and everyone spent the afternoon chilling.
I spoke to the Mummy Lot in the evening and eventually put the boys to bed. Leo is off to school in the morning so he was very unsettled. He said he felt sick and was crying but we had a lovely long chat about feelings etc and he seemed to calm down. Well I left him just over half an hour ago and he hasn't called out again yet.🙄
So tomorrow will mark the start of another new normal. Leo will be going to school for 4 days a week, home Wednesday and Rob has told me that he will be going back into the office full time. I bet he'll still be here at lunchtime.😄
I am so tired. I have black bags under my eyes, I'm struggling to type and put a sentence together and I need my bed. Have to go and shower first though and I want to post a longer blog but don't have the energy. I also need to set up the school stuff for Oscar, do a packed lunch for Leo, clear up and sort out the pool. I've also realised that if I'm to do a run in the morning I'm going to have to get up earlier as will need to be back in time to get Leo ready and out the door by 8:30am. It's going to be a struggle. The school have said he needs to be there at 8:40, not earlier and not later. Well sometimes Leo can be very tricky in the mornings (and any other part of the day), so much so that there have been occasions where I can't get him in at all! I'm hoping they'll give me a bit of leeway.
Anyway, our down day 3 years ago commenced with trying to remove a visitor from our pool, before having a quick dip ourselves. I got all the bags ready and we left mid morning for Typhoon Lagoon.
When you are at the water parks all your valuables are in a locker so you don't take photos or videos. I thought we would set up base somewhere and spend the day going in and out the pool and sometimes on the slides before chilling out on the sun-beds. Well we spent the vast majority of the day doing the slides! Mum and Dad both loved them and the boys took to it all really quickly too. My favourite thing by far is the huge tidal wave that takes everyone out. I have a very funny memory of watching my parents being swept away and standing back up completely wrecked by the wave. It was so funny but you had to be there. 😂🌊
At Typhoon Lagoon, they used to have an area where you could snorkel with fish, sharks and stingrays. I remember it being absolutely freezing cold water but I also remember that I loved it and would run round and round to do it over and over again. I'd been telling the boys about it for ages, but sadly it was now closed.😢
Another long day. We didn't eat until 9:30pm and by the time I'd sorted out bags, packed lunches and clothes it was very late. Not much time for chilling anyway. I always managed to have a beer with my Dad, that was until he would start nodding off.😴
I hope the blog makes sense. I'll proof read it again tomorrow and do any updates. Going to be a busy one in the morning. I am so very tired right now.😴😔
Can anyone else believe it is June tomorrow!? February half term feels like it was only a few weeks ago, not 15 weeks! Right off I go to get stuff sorted and hopefully be in bed before 1am. Not holding out much hope on that one.🥱