Tuesday 11 December 2007

Roll To The Side

We had a relaxing start to the day. I was fed in bed at 7 and then went back to sleep until nearly 9. Mummy was well pleased.

We went to Jolly Babies. It is the last one for this year and a couple of people will be leaving us as they are getting too old for this class.

Iestyn was there and he has been unwell too. He had a bad eye. I hope he feels better for our party tomorrow.

Jolly Babies was good fun but very tiring. I fell asleep in the car and was put in bed when we got home.

Mummy spent some time doing Christmas cards and trying to set up the slide show on the blog. It kind of works.

We started to walk to the post office after lunch, but we soon realised that we wouldn't be able to get there, and back to the health visitor by 2, so we just turned around and went to the shops by the doctors.

I was weighed today and I am now 16lb 13oz. Not as much weight gain as I normally do but I haven't been feeling 100%.

When we got home we spent ages playing, dancing, singing, making faces and chatting to each other. It was really good fun.

I had some time on my mat too and I have started to move around a bit now, much to Mummy's horror.

When Daddy got home, I showed him my new trick too and he was really pleased with me. When Mummy takes my socks off, I can now grab my toes too. It probably sounds so simple to all of you but to me it is really hard and has taken me ages to get this far, well 4 and a bit months.

I had a big bath with Mummy again and then a feed and bed, usual routine really. I have a party with my friends tomorrow and I can't wait, I'm not even sure what I'm going to wear yet.

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