Monday 28 January 2008

Getting To Berlin

Monday morning was spent with Mummy doing the final packing. I was in a really bad mood as I wasn't getting any attention. I soon put a stop to that with my constant screaming.

Daddy had gone to Nanny and Granddad Rennolds' house to do some computer work and on his return, Mummy threw me at him and continued with the packing. Daddy got back late so it was quite a rush to get everything ready for when Nanny arrived at 2:45 to take us to the airport.

We managed to fit everything in the car and arrived at the airport really early. It was 3:30 and check-in wasn't even supposed to open until 4:30pm. Mummy and Daddy had something to eat and we checked all our luggage in with no problems. It was well cool using my passport for the first time.

We then decided to go into the departure lounge and we were allowed to go through the barrier and take a special route to the security checking desks because we had my buggy. I had to be taken out of my buggy as it needed to go through the x-ray machine and I was carried through by Mummy. I received a lot of attention with loads of people, smiling, giggling and cooing at me.

In the departure lounge, we had loads of time to kill. Daddy took me for a walk into a duty free shop and I tried my best to grab everything in sight. Mummy and Daddy have both said that I have started to change recently. I am definitely more aware of my environment and not just happy with anything that comes my way, I know what I want and when I want it. The only problem is trying to tell Mummy and Daddy.

I was too excited to eat or sleep, even though Mummy and Daddy tried really hard, but it didn't feel like long before we were being called to board the plane.

Because we have a buggy and of course me, we get special treatment and were allowed to board the plane first. Mummy carried me up the wobbly stairs and Daddy sorted out the buggy. When we got on board, this nice lady handed Mummy an orange seat belt, which was to be mine.

Mummy is very selective about where she sits on the plane so we were 2 rows back from the emergency exit on the right hand side, over the wing. We sat by the window which was good as we could see what was going on.

Mummy put on our seat belts and then tried to get me comfortable. It was quite tricky for her as the chair in front was so close, and I just wanted to touch it all the time.

Just as we turned the corner onto the runway, I started to get too fidgety for Mummy so she decided to feed me. This time I was interested and as the wheels left the floor, I was happily feeding and dozing. I was asleep by the time the seatbelt sign was turned off and Mummy was stuck having to hold me very still.

The flight was 1 hour 37 minutes long, not that Mummy was counting, and I only slept for the first 30 minutes or so. For a while after I woke up, I was okay. I looked around, played peek-a-boo with other people on the plane and did singing and clapping with Mummy and Daddy.

By the time we started to descend though, I was bored. Toys were boring and I didn't want to eat, so instead, I kicked the chair in front, screamed, cried and got angry.

The plane landed and Mummy and Daddy couldn't get me off of it quick enough, not sure what I had done.

In the terminal building we had to wait ages and ages for our bags and then the buggy and car seat didn't arrive until ages after that. I was so tired by now that I had given up on screaming and was just moaning a lot instead.

We finally made it out, Daddy got some cash from the machine and we asked at the information desk about where the taxis were.

We walked straight up to a taxi and Mummy strapped me in and we were off. Daddy likes to talk to the taxi drivers, and this one liked to look at Daddy when he was chatting with him. At one point he almost went through a red light!

We safely arrived at the hotel and were given our room keys. Well, I wasn't given a key as that would be silly, but you know what I mean.

We got the lift to the 1st floor and arrived at our nice room. Immediately Mummy and Daddy sorted out my bedtime things, gave me a quick wash and I was put into this funny looking bed. I played on my own for about half an hour and then finally fell asleep wondering what we will be getting up to tomorrow.

Mummy apologises for the lack of pictures but we were so busy that we just didn't get the time.

Apparently, Daddy went out and got some pizza and drinks and then they had a shower and went to bed.

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