Thursday 10 January 2008

2 Teeth

The cause of my sleepless nights is my 2 new teeth! They have now broken through the skin and Mummy wont let me bite on her finger anymore. I don't think Mummy will have the chance of taking a photo of them for a while yet.

Mummy morning was wicked as usual. Iestyn and Anna were missing today but we still had lots of fun.

Mummy managed to get some video and pictures of me sitting up, kind of.

Me being naughty

Me sitting

Mummy was shattered after doing so much yesterday and then not having enough sleep but we had arranged to see Auntie Lucy in the afternoon.

We had lunch at home and then went around to Auntie Lucy's house. Ashlee was there and so was Ria with her Nanny and Grandad. We had lots of fun and Mummy really enjoyed having a chat.

Back at home and bedtime was a nightmare again. Mummy went out though and I had Daddy hold my hand until I fell asleep. I hope the pain goes away soon.

Thursday is generally the chores day. Mummy does washing, ironing, tiding and shopping if anything is needed.

Today though we went to the library, picked up a couple of books and stayed for the nursery rhymes session. Towards the end there was a really nice surprise, Nanny Rennolds arrived!

We did some food shopping and I fell asleep of course as it is so boring.

At home Mummy put me to bed but I could hear Nanny and Mummy doing a crossword together.

When I woke up Daddy was home. He looked after me while Mummy cooked the dinner. I sat at the table with them using my cup, but I don't like the taste of the water. I do drink the bath water but that has bubbles in it to add flavour.

Mummy had to sing to me to get me to calm down enough to have my last feed. I eventually dozed off and I was put in bed. I wasn't happy about it at first but I soon settled down.

I cannot believe that it is Twinkling Stars again tomorrow! Now that things are back to normal and we are busy again, the days just tick by. I'm 23 weeks old on Sunday, I'm getting old.

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