Sunday 20 July 2008

Sophie & Euan turn 1!

This blog entry is quite long but there are loads of pictures.

On Thursday we went down to the local park to meet up with Naomi, Iestyn, Sarah, Toby, Oliver, Sally and Anna. We all had a really nice time just generally messing around and trying to do things that we shouldn't really be doing.

Toby was really brave, and crazy, by walking up the slide and then rolling down it. It was great fun though. The picture shows Iestyn trying to do the same thing.

After the park we went to the shops to pick up a few things for Daddy as it was his 32nd birthday on Friday. We managed to get everything we needed and so we went home for bath and bed.

Mummy went to her yoga session and had a really good time as always.

Friday was Daddy's birthday as well as Sophie's. Daddy had to go out though so he didn't get much of a lie in.

He opened his cards and gifts and was then out the door.

We went swimming at the usual time and Sophie was there again too so that was really good. Kamron had arm bands on and was floating around the pool by the steps. He hasn't quite worked it out yet but it wont be very long before he is doing lengths of the pool.

Daddy came home around lunch time and needed to get some work done. I think Mummy and I were in his way as we were soon up with Nanny and Granddad Rennolds just messing around.

We stayed there for dinner and then Mummy took me home for my bath and bed. Uncle Dave popped in to be with Daddy as Mummy went out to a line dance.

Mummy had a really good time and won a teddy for me on the raffle. We named him Leo. He has my hair and a belly button!

Sophie also turned one on Friday, so on Saturday we went to her house for her birthday party.

We all sat on rugs in the back garden under an umbrella playing with lots of toys. We had an amazing time.

I also received my first, first birthday present from Sally, Nick and Anna. It was a book and a puzzle. I love it.

The whole gang was there but we didn't even attempt a group photo so here are a few that Mummy took.





Faith (me)


We stayed for so long that Sophie's Nanny made us a little dinner. We had sandwiches, dried fruit, little muffins and our favourite, Petit Filous.


Mummy and Sally were having such a good time that in the end they had to be thrown out as they just didn't want to go home. They were even talking about hopping on a bus and going into town, leaving me and Anna with Daddy. They thought it was so funny.

burn me!

We finally made it home and Mummy finished off my bath and put me to bed. I was very tired.

I also have to mention my friend Euan who also had his birthday on the 18th July. Happy birthday! I think I am seeing him on Monday which will be brilliant.

When I woke on Sunday, we went straight downstairs and I had my breakfast a bit early. Usually I go into Mummy and Daddy's bed and have some milk before some solid food a bit later on. I think the reason for the change is that I bit Mummy quite hard on Saturday morning and I think she had just had enough.

The morning was really boring so I was very pleased when we arrived at the park for Faith's birthday party.

Her family had brought over loads of food and decorated some trees with balloons and banners. It was really nice.

Faith is the first one from the group to start walking. She is doing so well and she spent all her time walking around picking things up, mainly food.

We again sat on rugs and played with some toys. This time though, there was this bike that could be pushed by an adult. I wasn't sure to start with but I was soon loving it! The wind in my hair was wicked!

We sang happy birthday and Faith had a cake. Luckily the candles stayed lit for the whole song.

We left around 4:30pm, after Mummy had over filled her tummy, and went straight home.

Daddy read to me for a bit and fed me my dinner as Mummy was cooking a cottage pie. It smelled yummy and I can't wait to try it.

Daddy gave me my bath and Mummy fed me and put me to bed. I must have been asleep by the time she shut the door as I don't remember hearing her leave.

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