Today was the day. For a long time now Ellis has been using the potty on and off during the day and has had only 3 accidents so far. The first time he did a wee when I put some pants on him, and the two other times have been poo on the floor cause he didn't know he needed to go and it just came out as he was crouched down playing with his toys. NICE!
After my new purchases from yesterday I was feeling confident. I knew we would be staying in for most of the day and then the rest of it was going to be spent at my Mum and Dad's house so I could continue it there anyway. The only thing would be the car journey up to their house.
We started the day with Ellis using his new Thomas seat on the loo itself and he loves it! He kept climbing up and down, washing his hands etc, and yes he did wee wee. He was quite upset when I took him into the living room to use the potty instead.
The main hurdle of the day was to do a poo in the potty and not on the floor. Ellis used the potty for wees during the morning in the kitchen but then insisted on bringing the potty into the living room.
I was sat feeding Leo and I couldn't see Ellis on the potty behind the sofa. He was just sat there with a book but I could hear that he was actually doing a poo! I couldn't believe it! He just did it all on his own. I knew what would happen next so I had already put Leo down when Ellis jumped up shouting that he had done a poo Mummy! Luckily nothing was attached and he had indeed done a poo in the potty. We cheered and jumped around, emptied the potty, cleaned up and phoned Daddy to let him know. Sorry I know you will be disappointed but I didn't take a picture.
Things were a lot more relaxed after that although I reminded him about the potty every 10 minutes or so, and he spent his time running around naked and weeing on the potty.
I think maybe I was too relaxed and a bit eager as I put some boxer shorts on him and he very quickly did a wee in them. Luckily it was on the kitchen floor so very easy to clean up.
I put a pull up nappy on him for his nap as although he was dry yesterday I was sure he wouldn't be today. He did a wee before I put him into bed. As luck would have it, he did wee in his pull up which was a bit of a shame but still we were doing well.
He did a huge wee straight after his nap but unfortunately the potty stuck to him so when he jumped up, it jumped up with him, wee on the floor again. We had a laugh about it though and I cleaned it up.
He was then naked until it was time to go to my Mum and Dad's house. I had put an old towel in the car, made him wee just before I put pants and shorts on him. I then loaded him in the car and left.
As soon as I arrived at Mum's he said he had done a wee wee but I checked and he hadn't so I passed him off to Dad who quickly took him inside to their potty for him to use, which he did. I tell you this kid can pee for England and on demand too. That will definitely be the next challenge, getting him to hold it for longer periods of time.
We had a really nice time, just chatting, playing and using the potty about 100 times for little dribbles of wee.
I had let Leo have some nappy free time so he was just lying on a towel on the floor conversing with his Grandad. He was chatting so much but as soon as I got the camera out, he stopped!
I got him dressed as he was a bit chilly and then fed him until he went asleep.
He has not been himself today and I have blamed his recent jabs and the fact that he hasn't had an undisturbed feed all day. Hopefully if the potty training goes well he will soon be able to have his Mummy back.
Grandad took Ellis out for half an hour to do some work up the field. He took the potty with him but I don't think they used it. He came home dry and used the potty straight away, twice!
Mum prepared a lovely buffet of food for us all to pick from. It was amazing and so much choice. My favourite had to be the bread and butter which reminded me of my Grandad Dolman.
I did a plate for Ellis and I had already eaten while he was out so I fed Leo.
Shortly after dinner Ellis started running around like a headless chicken. He sat on the potty and did 3 dribbles before I worked out that he really needed to do a poo. He eventually said he needed a poo but kept jumping off the potty and running around. I think he was really trying to find somewhere a bit more private as the potty was in the middle of the kitchen. Mum had the idea that we place the potty under the breakfast bar and then talk amongst ourselves. Would you believe it, it worked! This time though there was a cling on which fell off down his leg, onto the floor then under his feet too. Thankfully they have ceramic tiles so Nanny grabbed the wipes and we were cleaned up in no time. 2 poos in one day, both near enough totally in the potty. I was so proud of him and I spun him around whilst cheering.
Bath time was done at Nanny's house and Grandad even read Ellis his story so all I did when I got home was to put Ellis on the toilet again for a little wee and then bed for both of them.
I am exhausted with a headache but they day was very successful, only 1 accident. Tomorrow will be a bit of a challenge as we have a longer car journey to do followed by a few hours at someones house. I will be as prepared as I can be and will let you know how we get on obviously.
Ellis took a while to settle tonight but I listened to him at his door and he was saying, "yay, you did it! you did it! yay!" I think he "gets" it, I just hope tomorrow goes well.
What do you feed that kid, he has such sticky poo. Good blog, and good work, keep it up it will pay off in the end. x x xc