Friday 21 August 2009

No Accidents!

Our second day of potty training was very successful. Ellis didn't have one accident all day but I think the main reason for that is he didn't poo all day either.

I've heard a lot of people say that they stay in for a week while they potty train but I just can't do that. I think I would go insane and Ellis would be climbing the walls after 2 days.

We relaxed around the house in the morning. I sorted through some clothes and Ellis and I watched the lovely summer weather from our back door. Of course he was sat on the potty the whole time.

I didn't put Ellis down for his nap as we were due to meet up with my AB group at about 12pm and I didn't want to be late again. Plus Claire and her gang were going to follow me to Nicky's house.

I did the routine of putting Ellis on the potty then in his pants and in the car, sat on a towel before going to meet up with Claire.

We got onto the motorway and it was crawling along. Instant panic! I had the potty in the car so worse case I could pull over onto the hard shoulder but that would be dangerous so I just did my best to distract Ellis until we arrived at Nicky's house.

When we arrived it was tipping down with rain again but I couldn't wait in the car too long as I needed to get Ellis to a potty.

I got soaked getting everything in but we managed it and Ellis got to the potty in time.

I left Ellis' trousers and pants off for the remainder of our stay and luckily his t-shirt was quite long so he wasn't flashing too much.

It was the usual manic visit and even more so for me as I was constantly making sure that Ellis knew where his potty was, and obviously emptying it, waving and washing hands etc. I was a bit more concerned than normal as he hadn't done a poo that morning.

Nicky's house is rather large so the babies were put in one room and the toddlers pretty much stayed in another. I called the babies room the nursery and regularly checked up on everyone. They were all amazingly well behaved.

One of the new members of the group is Scarlett, Claire's 3rd child. She also has Isabella and Roman, and today I was able to get a picture of her. The first time she was crying but I later got one that was happier.

Okay, so in the AB group of Mummies who have met up already, in order of babies birth is as follows:

Nicky, George and Harry
Sarah, Oliver and Amelie
Me, Ellis and Leo
Sophie, Piers and Gus
Claire, Isabella, Roman and Scarlett
Sophie, Maggie and Ted

Leo and Harry sucking their thumbs




Gus again

From the top of the table around, George, Sophie, Maggie, Roman, Isabella

Leo and Harry

Claire with Scarlett

I went through the same routine to get Ellis home, loaded up the car, put him on the potty, got him dressed and then got home as soon as I could to put him straight back on the potty.

I think he has done really well with the potty training but I'm not sure if what I am doing is right. He basically has no clothes on during the day and he regularly (all the time) goes to wee on the potty and asks to go to the potty etc, but as soon as you put pants on him he has an accident. I suppose a few more days of being naked he might get it a bit better but his groups are starting again soon so I was hoping he would be better by then. Fingers crossed.

Rob was home when we got back and he had the Bumbo chair out and ready for us to try Leo in it.

This then meant we could all sit as a family at the table. I loved it! There is still room for one more on the end. ;o)

Shortly after it was bath and bed time.

No poos from Ellis today so I'm sure he will need to go tomorrow. I only hope it isn't on the floor.

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