Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Day 19 - Video Blog 1

I decided to try doing a video entry instead of lots of typing.  I thought it would be quicker but actually it's just a faff.  Not sure I'll be doing it again unless someone with some know-how can show me how to put large video files on here easily.

The only way I could make it work without having to split it into 8 different videos, was to put it on youtube, here is the link, hope it works. 🤞


It's nearly 11pm and the boys are still all out on the trampoline 😂  After writing that, it's now 11:15pm and we've just finished bringing them all back in 😊 They did well though.

I've learnt today that I need to keep up with doing a list so that I'm organised for the day, I'm looking forward to going for a long drive, I'm grateful for having the opportunity to spend time with my family. 💕💙

Pants blog, sorry, must try harder 😊

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