Monday 29 October 2007

Crazy Day

This morning Mummy had to wake me up as we were going to be late for the yoga class. Apparently I slept quite well last night but I don't really know much about that.

The yoga class was good but difficult Mummy said. She was aching before we even left the class and Vivien did say that she worked everyone quite hard. I didn't know much about that either as I was sleeping again.

We rushed over to Ikea to meet up with Charlotte and Faith for lunch. It was so busy that we decided against eating and to just grab some stuff and go somewhere else for food.

Mummy watched Faith and I whilst Charlotte ran around Ikea like a woman possessed grabbing all the items that she new she wanted and then they grabbed a hot dog before heading over to a baby shop to buy me a new sleeping bag.

After this hectic shopping exhibition we went to the pub where we all sat feeding at the same time. It was nice, peaceful and calm until I decided to throw up all over Mummy.

Back at home the man came to fix the heating and Mum spent the next couple of hours trying to keep me awake so that she could give me a bath and put me to bed at a reasonable time. Well I actually ended up going to bed early. I hope I sleep well again tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Nice sleeping bag. Hope it makes you sleep deep and well for Mummy and Daddy. Nanny R x x x


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