Monday 28 November 2011

Leo 2 1/2!

Last night was a night from hell. Leo woke up crying, by the time he was settled, Oscar started. I went in to him, fed him, winded him, put him down, still crying. Left him for a bit, still didn't settle. Go back in, calm him down, Leo would wake up again. The cycle would then start again and this went on until about 4:10am starting around 9 o'clock which is when Oscar first woke up. I haven't felt too tired today but now that I am sat down I am really feeling it and know that I won't be able to stay up long tonight.

Oscar had a really late nap today as that's just the way things worked out, so when I put him down at 7, he wasn't having any of it. I brought him downstairs and he had a play while I ate my food. I put him back down about 20 minutes ago and he is still crying. Wonder how long it will be until Leo wakes up! I have no idea what is wrong with him. Might go and give him some Calpol.

Done it.

So, what have we been up to then? Oscar's 7th tooth has arrived and I didn't even notice it happening! Number 8 should follow shortly and then it will be the big ones! Hopefully he will have a gap in time between getting the next ones as the poor little thing has been ill on and off now since mid October. He has had a high temperature and slightly snotty nose for a few days, and I do think the next tooth is close to coming so none of that is nice for him. Maybe that's why he is crying so much. I don't know. It's hard to not be annoyed, especially when I'm tired.

I'm thinking of going back to netball. I can't commit to anything serious but would like to go along and train, build up some fitness, lose some baby weight and maybe join a team later on when I feel ready, and when there is a space. Competition can be tough to get into a team. But I do think I would really enjoy it. I've found out about a local club that plays on a Thursday evening at 7:30pm which would suit quite well, except for eating a huge meal at Mum's just before! I won't think about going until after Christmas anyway.

Speaking of which, I've really started to get ready for Christmas. I've got everything in from the garage and the tree will be going up next weekend, hopefully. I've bought lots of gifts, with a few more to get, and then the wrapping can begin. I'm not looking forward to that part, or the writing of the Christmas cards.

I forgot to mention something on my last entry. On Tuesday 22nd our friend Pete and his wife Annette, welcomed a baby girl into their family. Eleanor Rose was 7lbs 15oz born at 7:12am. Nope not jealous! Not one little bit, honest. I did enjoy browsing the girly clothes though.

The landlord has been round recently to look at and fix a few things, one of them being the tap in the kitchen sink. It was so stiff and I was constantly hurting myself on it, but thankfully with a new part it is so smooth and I can't believe how excited and happy I am about it. Sad or what!?

Friday night I went to Sally's house to meet up with Mummy friends for Chinese food and some lager. Sarah picked me up which was very kind as it was my turn to drive but she said she didn't want to drink and I certainly did. I had a lovely time and can't wait for our Christmas outing although a little nervous about sorting out an outfit as we agreed to get dressed up. Will have to seriously diet or buy something new that fits. I'll give it a week or so, then I'll decide.

Leo was 2 1/2 on the weekend so I tried to get a couple of picture of him. It is so tricky though as he is constantly moving, pulling faces or trying to not have his picture taken. Quite frustrating.

He is doing so well. Loves numbers and puzzles, likes watching TV, playing games on his camera, going on the Wii, running, making a mess, throwing things, climbing and jumping, banging and screaming. The last 2 are probably his worst traits.

He still struggles at night to sleep soundly and wakes every night at least once crying about something or other. It has been a scary robot until recently but now just calls me or Daddy, depending on who went in last, or like the other night wanted to see Steve the gym class teacher! Strange. He just dreams a lot I think.

Another thing that I have recently noticed is that Leo is probably going to be left handed.  He draws left handed, plays on the Wii, throws balls and just generally prefers it. He does eat right handed still.

Rob got a few jobs done on the weekend, Sunday morning started early for Oscar and I and then later on we went to Ethan's 6th birthday party! I remember Simon and Tilly sending us videos of him as a baby while we were away travelling. Can't believe it was that long ago and we now have a 4 year old of our own! Crazy.

The party was short and sweet and the boys had tons of fun. The first set of pictures is Rob's attempt at capturing the boys in action.

Today has been quite a lazy day really. Did a few odd chores, cutting and sticking with Leo and then rushed up to the big shops just before picking Ellis up from school. Leo loves the big shops, especially now they have the Christmas decorations up. He runs everywhere and the plan was to tire him out for tonight.

The reason for the dash to the big shops, was to pick up some DVDs of some converted Hi8 tapes. I watched them this evening and I cringed at most of it, cried at some and laughed through the rest. It was brilliant to watch and I want to share it with everyone that was in the videos. My Grandad was there, my whole family dancing at my Dad's surprise 50th, my best friend's daughter playing at our house, videos of our old houses, honeymoon, where we got engaged, Rob on holiday, my first baby Misty the cat, and some other bits. I really want to get all my Mum and Dad's stuff on DVD but they have hundreds and it wasn't cheap. For 2hours and 3 minutes of footage cost me £50! I'm sure I could have got it done cheaper but wasn't happy sending my videos off somewhere, I was happier taking them to the shop for them to send off. Doesn't make sense I know. So glad I had it done though. Going to bed with some happy memories. Hopefully my sweet dreams won't be disturbed too much tonight.

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