Wednesday 9 November 2011

Baby Bump

The rest of the weekend was boring! We didn't do anything. We literally spent hours in the living room. I wish we had gone out for a walk or something but it just didn't happen.

Monday morning and the rush for getting ready to do the school run recommences. Most mornings I'm quite organised but every morning is different, as Oscar wakes at different times. This morning he was in bed with me and stirred as I got out of bed. I tucked the duvet around and under him thinking that if he rolled, the duvet would get tight on him so he wouldn't slip out. Wrong! I took the older 2 downstairs, and was going back for Oscar when I heard the thud, followed very quickly but a screaming baby, my baby. I didn't cry for long and seemed okay but you can never really tell with babies. I hadn't seen how he had fell so I didn't know what bit might be hurt. I kept a close eye on him during the morning but he was soon moving around the living room.

In the 4 and a bit years that I have had babies, I've never dropped one or had them fall off the bed, so I was pretty upset about it all too. I couldn't believe that I was stupid enough to think that he would lie still until I got back upstairs. Very stupid of me and I was lucky that he seemed to be okay.

He was okay from the fall, but he is still coughing, chesty, snotty, bit warm at times and also a bit sicky today. When I went to get him this morning there was sick in his bed and then today he has been quite sicky and hasn't wanted any food. He had a big milk feed at around 11am but that's is it pretty much.

Last night (8/9th Nov) Oscar slept for 12 hours! That is the first time ever! Wouldn't it be great if that continued. Then all I would have to sort out is Leo waking up. Ellis is actually really good, although he is awake at 6, he still goes to bed and sleeps well.

Things have been quite busy this week already. I took Leo and Oscar swimming on Monday with Naomi and Harry. I'm going to make it a weekly thing as Leo, who used to be a water baby, is now scared of the pool! Not impressed by that. He just hung off my back the whole time and Oscar was clinging on for dear life. I hope to improve their confidence by Christmas. Oscar still has this chesty cough though so was bit worried, as when we got out it was freezing! Leo was shaking quite vigorously and he even said "mummy I'm freezing!". I wrapped him up in 2 towels but it wasn't until after his nap, fully clothed, with 2 blankets, that his lips were no longer blue! He just gets so cold, so quickly and although you can warm him up on the outside, he is still so cold on the inside. I need to buy a wet suit for him to go swimming in so he can stay warmer. I will take a ring for Oscar next time too so that I can play with Leo more. I enjoyed it though and changing wasn't too hard either.

Ellis is dancing twice a week. It really is at a bad time too. Monday it's 5-5:45 and then Wednesday it's 4:30-5:30pm. That's a lot of a 4 year old, who is also full time at school and has a swimming lesson on a Friday! It's also a lot for the rest of us. Trying to fit in naps, feeding and doing a bit of shopping is hard work and can be quite stressful at times. Rob has picked Ellis up a couple of times now which has been a huge help as I can come home and feed Leo and Oscar, which is so much easier.

Leo had preschool today and although he had a shaky start in the car on the way there, he had a really good day. I think he wet himself though which is sad as he is doing so well, but it's bound to happen from time to time. He doesn't nap when he is there so is so tired when I pick him up. I managed to keep him awake this afternoon though and I put him in his bed while I got Ellis ready for bed, and before I could read him a story, he was sound asleep.

I'm ready for bed now too. Be back soon.

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