You would not believe the size of the banana that Ellis had for breakfast!
Rob was working from home which worked out really well as I got to go to Sainsbury's without dragging sick children with me, to get a Halloween costume for Ellis. I had left it to the last minute obviously.
I cancelled the cleaner and took the gang up to Nanny and Grandad's house a bit early so they could have a change of scene and more entertainment in the form of an iPad and their cousins.
Friday morning, Ellis went to a fancy dress party with his dance school. He had his costume on which only just fit, and while at the party he had his face painted, which I never thought he would do. He had a brilliant time and received a certificate which he always loves.
Saturday morning was a bit boring but by mid afternoon I started to get the gang ready for a Halloween/Birthday party. I tried to paint Ellis' face again like he had done the previous day, and I think it came out okay.
Leo and Oscar had their outfits on too, and they all looked really cute. Leo wouldn't let me paint his face, maybe next year.
We drove to the party and arrived slightly early, which is unusal for us.
We had a really lovely time. The boys played games, there was yummy food and cake and of course one of the main highlights is the party bags.
We stayed for over 2 hours but got home in time to bath the boys and get them in bed by 7pm.
The following morning I was rudely awoken by the older 2 at 6am saying the sun was on their clock! What?! The sun comes up at 7 not 6. I had forgotten to change their clock in their room so they were still on Summer time! I was so annoyed with myself. I had to get up, and luckily because the clocks had gone back, I wasn't too tired.
Sunday we mostly stayed at home, I did pop out to do the food shopping with Leo in tow, but he wasn't feeling well and moaned the entire time we were there, so I cut it short a bit.
Rob made the pumpkins, with little help from the boys as it was a bit tricky and dangerous.
We did move Oscar into his new room though, which was quite a big thing for me.
Bath time was very calm and happy for a change.
The first night when really well. He slept from 7pm - 4am and then I fed him and he went back off until 8:30am. Very good night for him, and Leo only woke twice too (which is good for him) so I had a good block of sleep. I had 4 hours anyway as I woke at 11:50pm to find out where Rob was. Not sure why I did that but it seemed too quiet downstairs so I went to check he was okay.
Last night wasn't so good though. He woke at 10:30pm, burped and played for a bit, back to bed, up again at 2am, then 4am, then 6:30am, and I was already up with the other two by then as they are still waking at 6am.
Yesterday Ellis was off from school and I had planned to go to the zoo but the weather was horrid and I had lots of stuff to wrap and post so I did that instead. This meant that the boys weren't entertained and played up a lot. You wouldn't think it from these pictures though.
Ellis spent most of his time doing writing, which is his new favourite past time. He did this all by himself with no help from me.
I eventually got their wellies and wet coats on and took them for a walk to the post office. We got soaked but they had fun splashing in the puddles.
Rob picked Ellis up from his dancing lesson and I got Leo and Oscar ready to go out trick or treating.
Once Ellis was home, we changed him straight away, grabbed the boys buckets and went out.
It was their first time doing it and unfortunately we haven't lived in this area long enough to know where would be the best place to go so a lot of the houses we went to didn't even open their doors, and the others were old people who gave out toffees and hard boiled sweets! Boo!
Ellis would ring the bells and say "happy trick or treat!" and then hold out his bucket. He really enjoyed it and would have stayed out longer but Leo was getting scared by other people's outfits and it was getting a bit too cold for Oscar who was ready for bed too.
Next year we are going to go somewhere better and stay out a bit longer too. I had so much fun doing it.
When we got back we didn't bath the boys and they were in bed just after 7pm.
Rob put his pumpkins out in the porch to welcome people to ring on our door, which they did.
Ellis didn't really want to go back to school today but he did without complaining. I know what I mean by that.
I had a good day today. Not really sure what made it good but by the time Rob came home at 7:30, the kids were all bathed, teeth and hair cleaned, story read, Oscar fed and all 3 snuggled up in bed, I had showered, living room and kitchen were clean and tidy and my computer was on ready for me. Super organised for me, I even had the packed lunches done and breakfast stuff out ready. Made a big difference to my mood and I was able to do this blog and sort out some photos.
I'm enjoying writing the blog again, but I'm the only one currently reading it as I'm not posting the entries yet until I've caught up. I'm still on July and it's the 1st November!
I can't believe it is November. Today and last night when out doing trick or treat, all I wore was a short sleeved t-shirt. It is so warm! Bet we have a really cold winter. Hope we get snow!
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