Friday 18 November 2011

Children In Need

It's been pretty busy around here and I can't see it getting any better until after Christmas. There is just so much stuff to fit in in the next few weeks. I just can't switch my head off and I'm struggling to go to sleep at night. The kids are being a nightmare during the night too so that doesn't help. I was up a lot last night with Oscar for some reason.

Wednesday was a chaotic day and I did too much really. I went in to get the older boys, early, only to find Leo in Ellis' bed! Leo is still in a cot so was wondering how on Earth he got out. Ellis explained what he had done to lift him out. Oh dear! That could have ended quite badly. I warned him not to do it again, and he hasn't since.

I started my Christmas shopping this week doing lots of it online but I also need to get to the shops. I went on Monday with Leo and Oscar then I went again after dropping Leo off at preschool. I went to Ikea first and Oscar sat in the trolley as I zoomed about all over the place. It was really quiet and I managed to have a good look around and pick up a few things.

I gave Oscar a milk feed in the cafe, did some more Ikea shopping, paid and then got in the car to drive to some other shops to do yet more shopping! I changed his nappy in Mothercare first then snuggled him up in the buggy so he could have a snooze.

I really wasn't watching the time too much as I didn't think I had anything on and only had to pick Leo up at 2:30pm. I was wrong. I got home and then realised that I couldn't sit and have a cuppa, I had to ram some food into Oscar and myself then get back out to his Jolly Babies class!

I rushed like a mad women but we made it. He had a fab time and seems to really enjoy it, compared with Leo who just wasn't bothered. Oscar took part in a crawling race which was really cute and he also waved for the first time! So sweet.

On my trip to Ikea, I bought some storage boxes that I was going to use for toys but ended up sorting out the cupboard under the stairs.  I love getting organised.

Oscar is also now crawling properly and was doing it loads at my Mum's on Thursday. I tried so hard to get it on video, but literally every time I pressed the record button, his tummy would hit the deck and he would start commando crawling again. Not impressed. He doesn't do it so much at home because we have wooden floors and it is too slippery.

I caught this on video though, of Ellis making Oscar laugh. I love capturing these moments. Will be great to look back on one day.

It was Children In Need this Friday so it was dress down day at school. Ellis wore a Pudsey Bear pyjama top and some little ears that looked so cute! On seeing everyone else's costumes though I think I will try and make more of an effort next year.

We managed to meet Pudsey eventually. The boys were not sure to start with, but we caught up with him a little while later and they gave him a high 5 instead of a cuddle.

We had to rush off after for Ellis' swimming lesson. He had had a hot dinner at school for the first time so I was able to take a packed lunch for him and Leo which I knew would make things so much easier, and it did.

As I drove home after the lesson I felt a lot less stressed than I had before and that the whole experience was so much better. Leo sat in the buggy watching and eating his dinner, I fed Oscar his fruit first, and Ellis swam. Then we sat in the cafe after and Ellis ate his food and I fed Oscar some hot food which I was able to heat up in the cafe as they have a microwave for you to use. Leo was moaning a little but nothing like how it used to be.

So I have finally worked it out, only for it all to change again as his lessons are moving to a Wednesday instead now! That happens a lot. You think you have just sorted something out and got a good routine going, only for it be totally ruined and changed again. It is an ongoing thing and life is always changing, a lot, around here. It's quite hard to keep up with it all at times and my diary is just filled with things to remember and have lists about lists!

Oscar trying on the Pudsey ears at bath time.

This week Ellis came home from school with 2 reading books that actually have words in them! So far he has had books with just pictures for us to try and work out what we think might be happening. He didn't get on with that very well and is very happy to be reading words. He is doing so well with it all and I'm enjoying doing it all with him.

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