Wednesday 12 October 2011

One on One

I had a fantastic day today. It was hard work as always but good fun.

It started off really well as I was mega organised, up early (just after 6am) and Rob was home to take Ellis to school which bought me even more time at home. I was able to get some clothes sorted and things cleared away ready for Nicki, our cleaner, to come over and actually clean rather than spend her time moving things out of the way.

Oscar did better with his cereal this morning but still not great, I suppose it will just come with time.

I dropped Leo off at preschool and then had some time to kill before meeting my AB group of Mums at Sophie's house. It was the first time, for a very long time, that I have had free time to do what ever I want, but I couldn't think of anything to do. So I sent a text to Saskia to see if I could pop in and see her and new baba Keira. She said absolutely, so I was there within 2 minutes!

I had a lovely visit. I drank tea and talked about babies, toddlers and our boys at school. I didn't get a cuddle of baby though. :o(

Saskia and Rory had very kindly bought me the new Lee Child book and got it signed for me! I was so excited! Inside it says, Mushers, Best Wishes, Lee Child. How cool!?

I packed Oscar back into his car seat and we went straight to Sophie's house. We were the first to arrive but not long after, other Sophie, Claire and Sarah arrived. It was so nice to see them all and we had a really nice chat over lunch. We tried to arrange some dates for meeting up again which should be good if we can all make it again. It was just like old times and as though we saw each other yesterday when actually it's been a year nearly.

Oscar played on the rug for quite a while and was really starting to practice crawling so I took tons of little videos of him hoping to catch the first moment.

Oscar soon fell asleep and it was time for me to leave for his Jolly Babies class. I just didn't think it was fair on him to wake him up in 20 minutes and expect him to enjoy having a rattle shook in his face, so I stayed where I was for a bit longer.

I couldn't stay too long though as I had to go and fetch Leo from preschool. He had a fab time again but had an eye full of sand and no coat on when he came in from the garden. I think I will dress him a bit warmer as he is such a cold kid and I know they like to let them out as much as possible.

We had a quick pit stop at home before walking over to pick Ellis up. I then over heard some Mums talking about a dance lesson. Now these Mums only go dancing because I told them about Ellis' dance class, which they now go to so I was being really nosy and wondered what they were on about. Luckily I did ask as they said that there was an extra session to help them practice for the show that they are doing in December. One hour for £2. I missed the announcement on Monday as I was busy watching Leo on the potty and feeding Oscar in the buggy room!

A mad rush then commenced. We got home, got changed, sorted out a bag, wee break and snacks and then zoomed off to Sophie's house again so the boys could see the chickens that she has just bought. Leo even had a cuddle of one which was quite brave for him I thought.

Then back in the car yet again and we took Ellis to his dancing class. Poor little Leo was so tired, he didn't even want to run anywhere. We were a little early though so went off to look in a little kids shop which sells second hand items. There was a bike in there for £30 which Ellis loved and rode it around the shop. He really really wanted it but I think we will just get him a new one for Christmas.

While Ellis was dancing I took Leo to Sainsbury's for some dinner and fed Oscar too. Then we went to a few shops before getting Ellis again and going home. On the way back I looked into my mirror and Leo had his eyes shut! NO! I managed to keep him awake until we got home and I put him on the loo and then straight into bed. It was just before 6pm. He so needed a bath but he was just too tired.

I did a huge tray of food for Ellis and he sat in front of the telly munching while I sorted out Oscar and got him to bed. He was a bit crabby as he hadn't had a proper nap all day and was really tired.

Then rather than tidying or sorting things out I sat with Ellis in the playroom just chatting and playing with his digger thing. It was a really special time I thought. We weren't disturbed and we had a nice chat about school and we had some light hearted play time. I really enjoyed it and should make more time for having one on one with each baba. I think it is good for them and for me.

He was okay going to bed, not great but okay. He didn't make a sound once I had closed his door but he wasn't happy about going up even though he was totally exhausted. The boys beds will need changing tomorrow as they went to bed so grubby!

I managed to get a little bit organised for the following day but not completely as I couldn't go into the bed room to get clothes sorted etc. It should be fine if I get up early enough.

Rob was away in Christchurch seeing his friends and I totally wasted my evening doing nothing important. I was actually quite annoyed with myself about it. Must try harder to stay focused on things that need to be done, so that I can free up time to do things I want to get done. If that makes sense.

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