Saturday 8 October 2011

1st Family Of 5 Dinner

Oscar fed a lot during the night but his middle, top, left tooth is just pushing against the gum so I think that may be the reason. He woke before 5am for a feed but was just wide awake. I let him grumble in bed for a bit and he went back off. I was up with all 3 by 6:30am though. The new early waking up seems to be staying.

It was really nice this morning though, not having to rush around, or to try and get them all eaten, cleaned, dressed and ready to go by a certain time. I enjoyed taking it slow.

Ellis was wearing his new pyjamas and slippers and I thought he looked really cool so he proudly posed for some pictures.

Rob wasn't up too late, about 9:30am and I had just put Oscar back down for a nap. He then snoozed for a couple of hours.

We had an appointment at Ellis' school to have some family pictures taken. I thought I had loads of time to get ready and to get the boys clothes organised etc but time just ran away with me and it was a mad rush to wake Leo up and get him ready, feed Oscar and get him sorted and to decide what to wear etc. We made it and they were running late anyway!

I tried to wet Ellis' hair down but it just wouldn't go and Leo's was just everywhere. Oscar had scratches all over his nose and some dry skin on his cheek, I look like death warmed up so I think Rob will be the only one to look good in the pictures. I'm not sure how long we have to wait to see them. We had a good time though. We had pictures of all 5 of us and some with just the boys. The photographer was really nice and bossy. That's just what you need to get it done properly. She knew what she wanted, how to help with the kids etc and I felt happy that she knew what she was doing. (The result is in the side bar at the moment).

We came home and Rob made lunch which was yummy and then we all just pottered about really. Oscar had more milk and went back to bed at 2pm and slept and slept and didn't wake until gone 4pm which meant we couldn't go for our walk in the end.

Time dragged on with Rob and I doing a few jobs and the boys entertaining themselves. Rob then took them to the park for an hour and I fed Oscar and made dinner. It was the first time we all sat at the table and ate together, so of course I had to video it!

We didn't bother with bath time but the boys helped to tidy up and then they brushed their teeth, got changed and had a story before going off to sleep quite well again. Even Oscar fed and went back to sleep. He must be having a growing day or something.

Rob went out to do some work for my Dad so I was on my own in a chilly house. I don't want to the put the heating on just yet.

I'm feeling very sleepy but had to do this entry before bed as I don't want to get behind straight away after saying I would do an entry a day. So here it is.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back!! But I won't get on you if you miss a day =) Your husband reminds me of mine when he was mimicking Ellis about the pepper on his food! SO funny! xoxo


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