Friday 7 October 2011



Right then, tonight, (18th Nov!) I've decided to just post what I have been writing. I've been blogging but haven't posted it yet as was trying to get caught up. Well I'm going to post it all now, not all in one go, and then when I manage to do an old entry, then I will just post a link in my entry so you can go back to see what happened in July, Aug, Sept and a bit of Oct. Phew!

Some entries won't completely make sense at the moment as I haven't written the background yet, like Ellis going to school and some entries won't even have pictures because I don't take as many as I used to and also I'm changing the style slightly. Some pictures won't be as clear as they are pictures off my phone. I have to make the most of what I have and I really do want to record my life as I love reading back. So I shall begin.

Oscar repeated the same pattern this morning of waking at 6am for a feed then he had breakfast around 8am, which was hard this morning as I was trying to hand express into a tub to make cereal, while Oscar was moaning, Leo was spreading cereal everywhere and Ellis was waiting to have his bum wiped! He then played for a bit before going to sleep at about 8:45am. Think that may be his new pattern.

Ellis was still a bit nervous going in this morning. He keeps going in then coming back out to give me another kiss and cuddle or to just say something to me. I've stopped hanging around now and I just make sure he is in the door and I leave.

Sophie and Ted came over for a visit first thing and Leo did get really tired so I put him down for a nap. At least I was able to have a quick chat before Oscar woke up and Sophie went home.

Ellis finished his week of doing 9am-1:15pm and he was absolutely shattered today. I could hardly get him changed as he flopped on the sofa, and he still had his swimming lesson to do.

We all got cosy on the sofa with blankets and pillows and watched some Peppa Pig before I had to get all their socks, shoes and jackets on.

For the first time today I got Ellis in the pool and then left. I sat in the park area with Leo playing and Oscar sat on my lap. It was a great idea as Leo had fun and Oscar had cuddles. Plus I hope Ellis concentrated more without me there, not that he used to look at me loads anyway but he did sometimes. I really did miss watching him but with the 2 little uns and it being so hot, I think I made the right decision.

I also chose to stay there for dinner too. It worked out quite well. Oscar ate some packet food as that is the easiest thing when out and about and Leo and Ellis had fish fingers and baked beans.

I got home and Rob had started the bath running which was great. He then proceeded to help me get them all in, washed the big ones, and helped to get them dry etc. It really made the whole process a lot easier and everyone was very well behaved.

Winter pyjamas were back on tonight as it has suddenly become very cold. This house isn't that warm anyway.

Ellis and Leo went out like a light. Didn't hear a thing from their room once the light was out and the door shut. I fed Oscar in my room, winded him and put him to bed awake and I went for a shower. I didn't hear from him either. How amazing! First time (since Leo and Ellis sharing a room) that all 3 boys quiet/asleep by just after 7. Be lush if they stayed there til 7 but Leo usually needs a wee around 5/6am and Oscar wakes around 3/4am for a feed and then again at 6am anyway.

Rob went out and bought Chinese food and I sat blogging for June! That was when I decided to also blog for the day that I was on too. I feel like I'm missing content on the blog as I just can't remember what happened or how I really felt. So from now on I will write my current day and just try and catch up with the rest as best I can.

Oscar woke at 10:30pm again, that being the 3rd night in a row, I fed him, tried to wind him then put him back down and he has gone off again. Checked in on other 2 and put Ellis' duvet on as he has only had a sheet up until now.

I've just this second decided that if I don't have any pictures from this day, this year, then I will just post some from previous years! How exciting to look back. I will get back on track with this blog at some stage.

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