After such a bad night, there wasn't going to be much happening the next day. Alright for some, Oscar stayed in MY bed napping.
Then he decided that he was so tired, that he would have another nap on his play mat this time.
I eventually got him dressed in a lovely, stripey, hooded, romper suit. I loved it but couldn't believe that it was already very fitted on him.
Later on, surprise, surprise, Oscar wanted to catch up on some more sleep. I tried to lie down with him on the sofa but I couldn't get comfortable.
I really was very tired from the night before, to the point of feeling sick, but I just didn't have the chance to snooze. That's just how it is sometimes.
In the evening I went to Ellis' new school to have a little meeting. It was just a chance to meet the teachers and find out what will be happening in the first term of school and the induction period.
The following morning, Rob stayed home, and I took Ellis to his new school to have a story time. We went in, had a look around and a little play with some of the toys before the Mums and Dads had to go to the Staff Room for a cuppa and the kids stayed for a story with one of their teachers. Ellis, and I, were both fine with it and I had a good natter with everyone about uniform and stuff before they came back to see us.
Ellis had a good time and really enjoyed it and he said he was looking forward to coming again.
Ellis had his swimming lesson as usual and I took all 3 this week. I fed Oscar and Leo sat in the buggy eating which usually works well as long as I have enough food to keep him going. I filled in some forms for the September term, when Ellis' lessons will move to late afternoon (after school) and then we all went to Nanny Rennolds' house for dinner.
While we were there I noticed some marks on Leo's back. I didn't think too much of it but thought it may be chicken pox. I checked his nappy area and there was nothing there so thought maybe it was just a rash from a virus or something, which Ellis used to get a lot when he was younger.
We all ate and Oscar snoozed in the bean bag which looks so comfy.
After food Leo had a bath on his own which is really nice for him as he doesn't have to share toys or space in the bath. He loved it.
Ellis sat with Grandad playing Battleships, which is his new favourite thing to do.
Oscar was put into his night time clothes and played with some toys.
We left early for some reason at 6:30pm, but Oscar didn't settle until gone 9:30pm.
Friday morning, Leo was still looking pretty much the same. I still wasn't sure it was chicken pox and he was acting like nothing was wrong.
Sophie took Ellis to school for me and I went to Costco to meet Mum for some things, that I probably didn't really need.
Not very exciting for the boys obviously.
The boys were all being a pain in the afternoon. Oscar was just grumpy and Leo and Ellis were fighting over everything! I couldn't wait to get them in the bath and bed, which they did well but Oscar was still up at 9:40pm! When will I get an evening back!?
I was supposed to have a lie in the following morning. I say supposed to, because although I was in bed, I was woken up 3 times between 6:30 and 8am by the boys coming upstairs. Basically Rob tries to sleep on the sofa while they watch TV but that doesn't always work obviously and they come up to see me.
By now I was pretty sure Leo had chicken pox so he had to stay in the house for a while. Rob stayed home with Leo, and Oscar, Ellis and I went out to see a little, local fete.
I parked on a friends driveway which was opposite the park where the fete was being held and there were cars parked up and down the road on both sides. Ellis just took off! I couldn't believe it and before I could say anything he was in the middle of the road! His very short life flashed before me and everything was slow motion, apart from me sprinting to drag him back! He was so lucky that nothing was coming. Makes me feel sick just thinking about it. Thankfully he was okay but I could have shook him for being so silly!
Anyway, the fete was really good. Oscar was in the sling so he had a good look around and Ellis got a bit of Mummy time as well as seeing and doing lots of cool things.
After the fete, Rob asked me to go to some shops for him so we did that then went to my Mums on the way back. We didn't get back until late and Ellis was ready for bed.
Rob's lie in the next day, and he decided to stay there until midday! I think we need to set a limit to the lie in time as that was the whole morning gone! Then if you take into account that he has to go to toilet, have something to eat, then slowly get himself ready so if we wanted to go anywhere, we would hardly have any time left!
While Leo was napping, we set up the pool for the boys in the garden as it was nice and warm out.
Leo was up, they were creamed up, hats on, and a new addition.
My spotty boy ready for a swim.
I pottered about, put some washing out, went food shopping, bathed the boys and put them to bed and then eventually fed Oscar to sleep at 11pm. How horrid!
Leo was doing very well with his chicken pox. He wasn't really acting ill at all. He had lots and lots of spots in his hair, ears, face and back. Nothing like when Ellis had it, which you can see here.
I was just waiting for Oscar to get some spots now.
We walked round to pick Ellis up from school and I kept Leo and Oscar covered and away from everyone else.
The boys played nicely together although Ellis can be a bit rough at times.
At bath time I told them to do a big cheesy smile for Daddy so that I could send him a picture on my phone. This is what they did!
Sophie came over in the evening for a Chinese takeaway. It was so nice to sit and chill out and actually hold a conversation where I heard an answer to my question and I was able to respond again without losing track of what was going on due to interruptions.
The next day, I was pretty sure that Oscar had chicken pox too. He only had a handful of spots and they were mainly on his arms, legs and head. I thought the rash was supposed to be mainly on the body and head but he has it very midly anyway.
We were up nice and early at 6:30am and because of the pox we couldn't go to Leo's gym class.
I was so bored! I tried to get Ellis to watch Mary Poppins as I love that film, but he wasn't interested and was soon moaning to do something else.
We did play dough and then my Mum came over to keep us company.
We went for a little walk so that we could get out the house for a bit, stopping in the post office for some sweets, which the boys loved, and then when we got back we spent some time in the garden. The boys even had their dinner out there.
Everyone was cleaned up and the older 2 were in bed a little bit early. I settled down to feed Oscar and eventually got him to sleep by 9:20pm.
A very disturbed night later, left me looking like this!
The boys on the other hand were raring to go.
Ellis had preschool in the morning and then I had to pick him up just before lunch to take him to his new school to eat there. We met up with lots of other people and grabbed a tray and went up to the hatch when it was our turn. The food didn't look all that great but it tasted fine. Ellis wasn't sure what was going on or what to do and didn't really pick much to go on his plate. I thought it was going to be a nice idea for him to have dinners so that he could try new things with his friends but maybe not if he isn't even going to have it on his plate in the first place.
We finished off and then we were allowed to just go. Usually for them, they have a set time, have to wait for everyone and they all leave at the same time. We had finished quite quickly so we went back to the classroom to do a little bit more playing before going back to his preschool for the afternoon session.
He really wasn't happy with me. He didn't want to go back in for the afternoon but he still had another 2 hours and thought he would be better off there, than at home.
I picked him up again a bit later and then we took him to his music class. There was no Mum this week so everything was that little bit harder and took longer.
A late night for Oscar who did't go down until 10pm! You can see now why I didn't get to do any blogging, or anything for that matter. I just showered, if I had the energy and went to bed.
We didn't do much in the morning and after Ellis' swimming lesson we went to Mum's for dinner again.
Oscar rolled over! For the first time! I put him on his belly, didn't think he would do anything, and annoyingly didn't have the camera near by and he rolled over! I tried him again but he wouldn't do it so couldn't get it on film. Shame really as I think I did with both Ellis and Leo. Never mind.
Mum and Dad were then called up the field to do hay making. It basically means loading up a trailer, then unloading it into another trailer. It's hot, hard, sticky, scratchy, dusty work but good fun too as everyone usually goes up and helps out with driving and stuff.
I packed up and was going to go home when I changed my mind and thought I would join them. So Ellis got out and went in Grandad's truck with him and I drove up with Mum.
At the field I couldn't do anything as Oscar was snoozing so he couldn't be left. Ellis and Leo had so much fun! They were running around with their cousins, having rides on the trailer and in the truck.
They were very sad when had to leave but we didn't go until late, 7:15pm, and I had changed them into their night time clothes already, just in case they went to sleep on the way home.
Oscar was in bed by 9:30pm again after being fed asleep.
That brings me to the end of June and I've typed this huge entry out on the evening of 7th October 2011. I better put the year as that's how much I have left to do! I actually enjoyed doing this entry though. I thought, I'll try and keep it short and sweet but I just ended up typing what I was thinking.
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