Sunday 29 November 2009


Saturday turned out to be a very tiring day. We had planned to go to the big shops to do a little bit of shopping but we ended up being there all day.

In the toy shop they had this robot dinosaur which was really good but Ellis didn't like it very much. Later on I let Leo go right up to it and he smacked it right on the head. He wasn't scared.

Lunch turned into a farce. The food court has changed considerably and I think for the worse. There used to be plenty of options for food and then you would just find a table to eat. There was a microwave for heating childrens' food and plenty of high chairs. I never once had a problem finding a seat. Now there are restaurants set up in different areas. They are expensive, don't cater for children, have limited seats and you have to queue for a table.

I selected one place to eat that was up some stairs so as we reached the top, we were told that they were no longer serving as their tills were broken. Back down the stairs I then chose another place which after waiting in the queue for a while I realised that they didn't really have very much for Ellis. I then picked the third place and we had to wait a while for a table, even longer to order our food and even longer than that to get our food. It turned out to be a bog standard panini for £5. Rubbish. And to top it all off, Rob and Ellis downed my milkshake!

We did loads more shopping after that and Ellis had a snooze. I tried to get Leo to sleep too but he wasn't having any of it. I ended up feeding him to sleep to get some peace.

I was hanging by the time we got back in the car and the boys were wide awake.

Leo had baby rice again at dinner but again it didn't go all that well. I suppose it just takes time. I don't really remember what it was like with Ellis so I think I will have a look back at my blog.

Uncle Dave came up and helped with bath time and story time and then Rob and Dave played on the Wii for a couple of hours while I did some blogging.

Today the weather was horrid and I wanted to go out to do some shopping, so Rob had the kiddies while I popped out.

I dropped a few things off to some friends, bought some gift cards and some vegetables so that I could make Leo a sweet vegetable medley.

I had a really good time zooming around sorting things out without having to worry about the boys.

Leo was in bed when I got back, when he woke up I gave him a feed then put him on the floor to play. For some reason he just wasn't happy so I put him back in bed and he stayed there for ages! I was a little concerned so went to check on him and he was just very happily sleeping with his toys. I kissed him and he stirred.

For dinner I tried to give him some carrot. He wasn't too sure but gave it a good go. I hate how much carrot stains everything!

I made the vegetable medley and it turned out really nice. It was supposed to make 5 portions but I filled up 1 1/2 trays with it!

The rest of the day just seemed to pass by.

Not really sure what I'm doing tomorrow. Was going to go swimming but I think I would like to go back to the big shops to try and finish off the Christmas shopping. I am going to write to Santa with Ellis though which should be good fun.

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