Wednesday 4 November 2009

Halloween Party

Better late than never.

Halloween afternoon was wicked fun. To get the kids ready, Rob slicked Ellis' hair back and then I painted his face before putting on his costume. He was such a good boy having it all done. He didn't complain once and seemed quite excited too.

Leo looked on but he didn't like it when Ellis had his paint on his face.

We took some photos of Ellis before putting Leo in his costume. To get him to do the scary face we made him say "jazz hands!", it seemed to work.

We then took photos of them both. They were so cute and I really enjoyed dressing them up.

We arrived at the party first and so I set Leo down in the living room and took a look around.

Our party food, some of it themed. I made skull and bone jellies, Charlotte made marzipan ghosts and Halloween biscuits and Sally made Halloween sandwiches.

Then the others started to arrive. Here are the pictures I took at the party.

We tried to do a group shot but it just turned into chaos. To get around it, we took individual pictures and then when we got home Rob asked his friend Huw to Photoshop them all together. It worked out really well and everyone is pleased with the result.

We had an amazing time at the party and hopefully next year we can take them out trick or treating!

We were home in time to give them both a good bath and put them to bed just a little bit later than normal.

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