Saturday, 21 March 2020

Day 2 - The waiting place

Sitting at the end of day two.  My anxiety was rather high for most of the day and I just tried to keep myself busy doing housework.  I rearranged drawers for no reason other than finding some mundane task to keep me occupied.

We had lovely sunshine today which made a massive difference as the boys could get out in the garden, I even joined them at one point which was lots of fun and certainly helped me.

The day has mostly been spent on screens or playing outside.  I am staying in touch with friends and my Mum calls me 3 times a day at the moment.  She really wants to come and see me but it's a hard no.  If everyone took it seriously and didn't go out unless they had to, it would all be over so much sooner!

I still want to hibernate and wake up when it is all done, and I'm dreading schooling the kids but I will do my best.

Been sent lots of grounding tips which I will try to do.  No, not try, I will do! :D  This will help me, which will help the whole house.

I've said we'll try and get out on the bikes tomorrow and maybe play some basketball at the park depending on if there are other there or not.  I just hope the weather is like it was today.

Nearly bed time, nearly another day gone.  Don't really want to wish the time away but I do too.  I'm sure that makes sense to some.

If you need me, I'll be in the waiting place :)

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