Sunday, 22 March 2020

Day 3 - Too much downtime?

Another lovely sunny day which I am very grateful for.   I managed to get 5 minutes quiet time in the sun and I love having the washing out on the line.  It's the simple things.

Been talking loads to friends which I hope helps them as much as it helps me.

The whole home schooling thing has been freaking me out.  The schools have been great with getting lots of information out to everyone but I'm finding it all a bit confusing and overwhelming.  Just need to get on with it!  So I did.  I set up some rough schedules that I agreed with the boys so that we could hopefully avoid any arguments, I got lots of resources together and set up for the morning.

The boys have been really good and playing nicely together for the most part in the garden.  I'm going to have to get them out somewhere else pretty soon though as they will run out of patience with each other.

Sunday night bed times were their usual school time, which meant I could have a bit of downtime before it kicks off :D  I watched Gogglebox which makes me laugh out loud, very good therapy.

I had a little bit too much downtime though and ended up falling asleep on the sofa.  I haven't done that for years!  Woke up at 3:30am and went to bed.  I know I will regret this tomorrow.

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