Thursday, 26 March 2020

Day 7 - Bed Smug

Every morning this week the boys have been brilliant at getting up, dressed, fed, teeth cleaned and "making" their beds.  I love a well made bed, don't judge, but my idea of a made bed differs from Leo's a little.  Each day he has been making up a scene with his toys, or today, which is my favourite so far, he wrote his name with his pillows and blanket.😍

This means that the rest of his bed ends up on the floor.

Oscar's attempt, pretty good.👍

Ellis nailed it in my opinion, although I would have tucked the end in. 😄

Ellis has been amazing this week.  Yes he bugs me with his constant running commentary of what he's doing at any given time, and he disturbs the boys a lot but he has helped me to look after one while I sit with the other, he's made tons of cups of tea, he's managed to get all his school work done, he's encouraged and helped Leo get his work done when he hasn't been wanting to, he's played with them in the garden and then today has allowed them to hug him! 😱  Leo said, "Look Mummy, Ellis gives us hugs now!" 😍

So the day started off the same with us doing the work out, but this time with sports bra on. 😉  Ellis was back doing it today and we cheered each other on.  The kids laugh at my red, straining face when trying to do any sort of plank, burpee, push up or core exercise.  I am aware that is in fact the whole work out 😄 

My little (big) Leo struggled again today.  I don't really know what it is, but he just shuts down and refuses to do anything.   It can be over anything.  Today we had to do a poster and I thought it would be a really nice thing for him to do.  He just said he can't draw, threw the pencil and refused to do anything and eventually walked off and slammed his bedroom door.   I'm doing my very best to not push too hard and to just stick with it.  Ellis tried too but it didn't help.  We had to wait until after lunch for Leo to allow his brother to do his work for him 😅  Thanks again Ellis.

I had a phone call from my Dad today which was really nice as I haven't spoken to him for ages and I also had to sort out getting my mother-in-law to hospital tomorrow.  Recently I have taken on the care of my outlaws, supported at times by my brother-in-law, which has been difficult to say the least.  I have enjoyed making a difference to their lives though and before this whole COVID thing, we were starting to make progress with MIL's health.  I won't go into details on here.  BIL Dave has managed to arrange it so that he can take her to this important appointment tomorrow morning.  I just hope we get some answers from it which should help us even more.  Fingers crossed.🤞

Lucy had a bit of good news today.  Shauna's school have opened and are going to take her for 3 days next week.  It's only a little help but will make a difference for Lucy and her family to have a bit of quiet time on those days and to hopefully plan for the days she's home, as much as you can plan with Shauna anyway. 😊

I was really tired this afternoon and was feeling a bit flat.  The boys had completed their school work but I still had time to fill before school was out for the day.  We cracked open a little science game which tests their memory, quick reading/recall skills and knowledge.  All 3 of them wanted to have a go and it was great.  They weren't competing against each other so it made for some harmonious learning.

As I was sitting their reflecting on stuff, I noticed a very small hole in Oscar's t-shirt.  Now my Mum, whenever she sees a hole in Dad's clothes, rips it open so that it can go in the bin.  I have carried on this "tradition" and the boys think it's hilarious.  I like that I do it when they don't even know it's about to happen. 😂

Dinner tonight was spag bog and the whole family actually sat around the table to eat together.  This very rarely happens as Rob isn't home when the boys eat.  It didn't last long as they all shovel it down in 30 seconds and then take off into the garden, but it was nice while it lasted.

Have I said how well the boys are getting on?  I know I'm being smug now but I'm going to soak it all up while it lasts. We're in for the long haul so I realise this may change over time.

Did you all go outside and clap at 8pm in support of our lovely NHS staff? I have several friends who will be frontline fighting this thing for all of us. 💪  We are forever grateful for your hard work and sacrifices.  That goes for all my friends who are helping to keep the country running too!  Me and the boys stood outside with several of our neighbours clapping and cheering.  Was such a nice feeling and great to see some different faces, from a very far distance.

Why do the evenings fly by?!  Put Ellis to bed 9ish and it's now 11:30pm in a blink of an eye!

I need to get out soon.  I've been in the house since last Friday. Although I appreciate that isn't that long, I need to get out and see a different view for my own sanity.  I think a brisk walk around the block should be okay to do this weekend.

We are all in this together and some of us cope better than others, or at least make it look like we are. There is no right or wrong way to be in this situation, we are all just doing our best.  We must look out for each other and be supportive where we can.  Just listening is sometimes all it can take.  Not one person can fix this, but we can help each other to not break.  I'm always happy to be an ear for anyone needing to vent. 👂😊

Right so what have a I learnt today?  That I can't do a G in bubble writing.

I'm looking forward to having some freedom and I'm grateful that my children appear content and happy at home.  Have I told you that yet? 😜  I realise that will bite me in the ass soon, but I won't have to tell you about it 😌

Ooops midnight again.  Night peeps.x

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