Monday 2 May 2011

North Somerset Show

Rob spent the day putting out leaflets with his brother and I tried to entertain the boys inside.

Later on Rob took Leo to Sainsbury's and the car wash and I chilled out for a bit.

In the evening we put Leo to bed with a duvet for the first time and he was fine about. We thought he might have freaked out like he did with the pillow.

Oscar on the other hand was not a happy bunny and was screaming for hours. Rob took him for an hour so I could get a bit of sleep before taking over again. We haven't had a baby with colic before but luckily I'm pretty patient with that sort of thing and I can ride it out. I do need my sleep though as it can actually make me feel quite ill if I don't get any rest. As I type this it is 23rd June and I'm shattered as I am still dealing with a baby that doesn't want to go to bed much before 10pm and I so need to blog that I'm struggling through.

The following day was a bank holiday so we planned to go to the North Somerset show. It was a bit of a drive but we only arrived shortly before my Mum, Dad, Sister and her gang. By the time we had loaded up the buggy and made our way to the queue we all arrived at the same time.

The show was huge and very busy. I spent a lot of time feeding but my Mum is very supportive and helpful. She sat in the beer tent with me and Dad did for a bit too, then at one point I asked a lady running a stall if I could sit on one of her chairs and she didn't mind. He fed a lot that day for some reason.

We looked at the animals, went on some rides, did a bit of shopping, watched some shows, ate lots of food before going home.

Ellis went straight to bed but I put Leo in the bath as he was covered in sun cream. I turned around then heard him screaming with fear! I quickly saw that he was cowering away in the corner of the bath being chased by a log of poo! Poor thing had done a poo in the bath and then freaked himself out about it. I got him out and he was shaking! Rob heard the commotion and came to help straight away. We just told him what it was and showed him that we were flushing it away. He wasn't happy, bless him.

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