Thursday 26 May 2011

Leo is 2

I think so far it is pretty self explanatory.

We watched the rain for a bit. I love watching, listening and smelling the rain so I opened the window and shared it with the boys. Don't think they were that bothered though.

For my birthday hubby bought me some lovely flowers with 2 of my favourites, peonies and freshias.

Leo loved playing with his new toys.

We had decided not to do anything major for Leo's birthday. He wasn't having a party, mainly because he doesn't have anyone to invite really and also I'm thinking of just doing parties every other year. I might change my mind on that though.

Anyway, instead of going to the zoo, or a day to a theme park or something, we just decided to do what Leo loves best, and that is to climb, run, jump etc. So we took him to a huge indoor soft play place and he loved it!

Once I had finished feeding Oscar, I went to have a play too but ended up ripping some skin off my arm so just sat and watched for the rest of the time.

We had so much fun and the boys were shattered. Great day out for Leo and he loved it.

In the evening I stuffed as much milk as I could into Oscar and then my yoga friend Saskia came over to baby sit for us. I was planning on taking Oscar with us but she said she was happy to have him, which was lush! My first night out, for my birthday, at my favourite restaurant, with hubby and parents was just what the doctor ordered.

I had a couple of drinks, some really yummy food and a good chat about stuff other than babies. I so hope to do it again soon.

We had 3 courses and we were just having a cuppa when I checked if everything was okay at home. Saskia said that Oscar had been crying a bit so thought it was a good idea for us to come home.

Saskia stayed for a bit which was nice and we had a chat while Oscar fed again. That boy can certainly eat! I don't know where he puts it, probably in his long legs.

I had an excellent birthday and I'm pretty sure Leo did too. I think Ellis felt left out in the morning with the presents and balloons and stuff but at the soft play it was about the both of them so it worked out well.

For Ellis' birthday we plan to go to London! A bit adventurous maybe but we do need to get on with doing things. We have been going on for ages and ages about going abroad for a holiday and it never happened, mainly because the thought of it all stresses me out too much, but I need to get over that and get on with it so that my family can experience new things. It is hard work but we make it though.

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