Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter Fun

On the 29th March, Cousin Chloe turned 5 and Ellis and I went to her birthday party. Leo wasn't 100% so he stayed at home with Daddy.

Ellis was a bit timid to start with and was missing his friends. He thought Anna, Sophie and Faith were going to be there too.

Uncle Craig soon took him up and around the equipment and he seemed to enjoy himself.

They had to stop playing for a bit to sit and have some food.

Then they were back playing again before it was time to go home.

This week has been pretty uneventful. Leo is still quite ill with a really bad cold. I'm actually thinking of taking him to the doctors tomorrow if he isn't any better. He is still a really good boy though and quite a happy chap.

This morning Ellis and Leo were play fighting. It's early I know! They aren't really, but Leo climbs over Ellis and then Ellis returns the favour. It is quite funny but I have to make sure I keep a close eye on them and make sure Ellis gets off of him quite quickly.

Saturday morning Ellis had his Easter Party which is hosted by Debs the music teacher. He wasn't feeling 100% but I thought he did pretty well. Again Leo stayed home, but I actually really enjoyed spending some one on one time with Ellis.

They do some dancing and singing to start with, followed by some time playing musical instruments and then they went outside for an egg hunt. I didn't get any pictures or videos outside which is really bugging me but nothing I can do about it now.

I tried to get some pictures of me and Ellis and together but they didn't come out too well.

I got pictures of everyone else though.

Easter Sunday, the boys are still unwell so no plans to do anything. The boys received their Easter eggs though and loved it.

Rob took Ellis out to the park for an hour as he really needed to get out of the house. He went to the park on his bike which he loved, but as he was putting it away in the garage he saw the Tiny Tikes car that I had got from Lucy. He loves it so much and I really wish I had bought one over a year ago as he is starting to out grow it.

Taking care of too ill children is very draining. Plus we have been stuck in the house quite a lot which can get rather boring. I so hope Leo is getting better tomorrow so that we can all go out as a family.

I broke my finger 6 weeks ago today so I can now take the splint off and start to use it gently again. It wont be properly healed until 12 weeks, so a while to go yet.

Speaking of 12 weeks, I have another friend who is pregnant again. She is due 9th October with her second baby. They have their own blog here.

I have no idea where the time goes. I plan to sit and do some blogging but then the evening just passes and I end up going to bed with nothing done. I also find that I take a lot less pictures and videos now and that really bothers me as I know how much I love looking back at all the stuff I have. I must try harder!

Hopefully be back soon.

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