Friday 5 February 2010

Ellis is 2 1/2

Ellis was 2 1/2 today. It feels like he has been here a lot longer than that.

I weighed and measured him and tried to get some pictures, but this is the best I could do.

His weight is 2st 6lb (15.42kg) and his height is about 98cm (38.5inch) that puts him just below the 91st percentile line for weight and is on the 91st for height. He is big for his age but in proportion.

He is a smart little boy and is starting a new chapter in his life on Monday - school, well, pre-school. He will be going for 3 sessions a week, Monday and Thursday mornings and Tuesday afternoons. This should free up a bit of time for me to do some stuff with Leo. I am planning on going swimming with him and maybe just having some quiet, undisturbed time together.

I am sad and happy about the pre-school thing. I so hope he loves it and I'm sure I will get used to leaving him in someone else's care. I will miss him though.

Recently, we aren't sure why, but Ellis has started being difficult. It might just be his age but I'm not sure. I try to ask him if there is anything wrong or if he is sad or mad about something but he says no. He regularly pushes, hits, prods and squashes Leo and I am constantly putting him in "time out". Not sure if that is doing any good. It is extremely draining and I am finding it a bit of a struggle at the moment. I so hope the phase passes soon. I think a lot of it is just boredom. He barely plays with any of his toys anymore and just wants to watch TV.

Another one of his new things is to tip all of the toys out into a big pile. I'm sure he is just doing it to annoy me, which of course works. Leo just sits there wondering what is happening but then is quite happy to join in too.

Will hopefully get out and about tomorrow and we may even get to the swimming pool which will be nice for the boys. I really need to get to a few shops to get some stuff so that Ellis is ready for Monday morning. I have to label his clothes, shoes, coat, lunchbox (which I also have to buy) and he has to take a piece of fruit too.

Leo's mobility is increasing every day. He is very happy sitting up and getting down again, he crawls really, really fast and has also started walking with the walker! I have to hold it most of the time but he is really getting there. This video is unfortunately a poor example of his new skill.

We plan to put the stair gates back up over the weekend too which should help me to keep him a bit safer.

Not much on this weekend but I have a very busy week next week. I have to fit in 6 school runs on top of everything else. Should be interesting but poor Leo has to just fit in around it. It will affect his nap times but there isn't anything I can do about that.

I will try and blog next week but I'm going to be pushed for time and energy.

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