Thursday 24 April 2008

Sing, Sign, Shorts, Sandals, Sun, Shops, Spiky, Sitter, Sick, Swing, Sally's, Surprise

During the week we had some bad news about Granddad George who was taken to hospital. Mummy and I just want to say that we love you and hope you get better soon. We will keep you updated.

Sing and Sign was okay. We didn't really know what we were doing but I had fun watching everyone else. Mummy was given homework too which was funny. Basically, you just sit in a circle singing songs and doing the hand signals that go with some of the words. I think Mummy felt a bit silly to start with but soon got in to it.

Faith was there but she wasn't very well at all. She just laid on her Daddy's lap watching quietly, which isn't like Faith at all. We hope she feels better soon.

We did a quick shop in Sainsburys before going home.

Tuesday morning and it was 7:40 before Mummy woke up and came in to get me. Mummy used to set her alarm but since I've been waking up at 6:30 she hasn't been bothering.

Jolly Babies was very interesting. All the babies are now growing up so we were all on the move around the hall and chatting all the time. It was really good fun though.

We went home for lunch and after a quick nap we walked around to Sally and Anna's house. It was nice and warm outside so Mummy took the cover of my foot muff off which was really nice.

We had a lovely afternoon just playing and chatting and back at home the fun continued. Mummy read to me and we played stacking cups.

After my bath Mummy decided to spike my hair up even more! The thing was, was that she forgot to flatten it again before putting me to bed. The results in the morning are as follows.

Try as she might, Mummy couldn't flatten it again, so she didn't bother.

It was really hot so Mummy decided to put me in shorts for the very first time. Either they were very long shorts or I have very short legs.

Nanny came over for a surprise visit which was really nice. She also bought me a present, a book. It is really good. It is about the farm and has touchy feely bits, moving bits and flaps for lifting.

The afternoon was quite boring so we went out to grab a few bits and on the way home we had a quick stop in the park. I am starting to love that place. As you can see I am a big boy now and I got to wear my new sandals which have a light on them that flashes everytime I hit them. Very cool.

At home I quickly became bored again but managed to spend my time, playing on my own in the corner of the room. Little did I know but Mummy crept up on me with the camera.

After my bath and while I was having my final feed, Charlotte, Faith's Mummy arrived! How very strange I thought. Then when I was in bed I heard the front door close and the car start and realised that Mummy was going out to her line dancing class. I'm a pretty smart 8 1/2 month old see. So I concluded that Charlotte was baby sitting. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. just love the blog shell keep it going not like your husband who cant finish the dirary. what a pity. x x x x


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