Friday 18 March 2011


Our 3rd day at home started with me staying in bed for a little bit while Rob went downstairs with the older boys. I fed Baba in bed and just relaxed.

Then first thing, my friend Delia came over to do a photoshoot using Baba as her model. He was a little older than she would have liked, she wanted 5 days old and he was 7 but she said it would be fine.

We had a really lovely chat before she set up her light and started to click away, placing Baba on different props and taking so much time to position him in cute poses that she wanted. I haven't seen the results yet but click here for a link to her blog.

Sharon kindly picked Ellis up for his swimming lesson. He wasn't feeling 100% but I thought it would be good for him to get out. They stayed in the park after the lesson so Ellis didn't get back until late in the afternoon which was lovely for him and us.

Whenever Rob changes Baba's nappy he always seems to catch him when he hasn't quite finished. It's quite funny to watch as Rob jumps back out of the way, even dropping his cotton bud at one point, trying to avoid getting any mess on him. At least he does it.

For dinner we all ate some of the lasagne that Charlotte had brought over and then everyone went to bed early! Rob was in bed by 7:30pm and I just sat chilling with Baba.

I posted this picture of Baba on Facebook saying, I wonder what he is praying for. Everyone replied with "a name!". Still struggling.

I don't want to moan too much about how rough I was feeling because I don't really want to remember it like that but I was. Things were tough at home. Everyone was ill, I was ill and recovering from major surgery too but I wasn't exactly given any sympathy. Rob did the best he could I'm sure but it was hard. I was in pain and feeling quite emotional about everything and felt I had no one to talk to about it. I did cry a bit when I was on my own,usually in the shower as that's when I do all my thinking, but I think I'm quite a strong person as I got through it quite well.

I wasn't allowed to lift anything so I would have to ask Rob to come to my aide all the time. He had to wake from his naps to get Leo out of the high chair and to put him in and out of his cot. It was difficult but we managed.

On the Thursday 17th I had a phone call from the midwife and I said I was getting some pains on one side of my scar and I felt like I needed to see someone so she said she would arrange a visit for the Friday. So we had to wait in as they can't give you an exact time.

Rob didn't get out of bed in the morning as he wasn't feeling well so Sarah thankfully took Ellis to school for us again, thanks mate! x

Leo had a Sing and Sign class in the morning and I would have taken him but I couldn't drive so I was bit annoyed about that.

Sophie and Ted were due over in the morning for a visit but unfortunately Ted had been ill so they cancelled.

Sally came over in the morning for a visit which was really nice. She was on her own so we were able to have a good chat. I didn't get any photos which is a shame.

Later on after lunch Sarah, Naomi and baby Harri came over to see us and it was the first day that I had actually put an outfit on Baba.

Mum thankfully picked Ellis up from school for us and then came home and did our ironing, dishes and had cuddles with her boys.

The midwife never arrived and Ellis wasn't feeling very well so when I realised he was missing I went to his room to find he had gone to bed. Bless him! He was in his uniform though so when I tried to take it off he got up instead so we chilled out on the sofa for bit before we put him to bed properly.

I'm not tired, honest!

Missing you Grandad, 6 years today.

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