Sunday 13 March 2011

Day 4

Baba fed all night long and I gave up trying to put him down in the crib as it was just too painful all the time, so I ended up having him in bed with me either lying down or sitting up.

My midwife for the day shift was a lovely lady called Kate who actually lives right by me. She was so attentive and helpful and just made you feel so well looked after.

Day 4, Baba was weighed to check that he hadn't lost too much weight since birth. I stripped him off and took some pictures before he was done.

The doctors came around at about 11am which is when I was due to go to the NICU for more drugs so I was urgently trying to find out if he had to have them as it would mean staying in for another 2 days at least. They said that Baba didn't need any more antibiotics and that he would just need 24 hours of observations. Hurrah! His cannula could be removed too which was great so as soon as the doctors left I got on to one of the midwives to take it out!

I had some lunch which was disgusting! I should have already learned that you just live off of sandwiches in there. The cooked food is horrid.

Baba had his cannula removed, which pretty much just fell out once all the sticky tape was removed. It must have felt so much better for him.

I found out that Baba had lost 5.78% of his body weight which was really good. Ellis lost 12% which is why we had to stay in for so long doing top up feeds etc.

His observations were going well until late afternoon when his temperature was a bit low. I wrapped him up and put a hat on him too as I couldn't turn my fan off as I was sweating so much.

The ward was very quiet. There was only me and one other girl. Her bloke was watching the rugby and so we were just chatting. She lives where I do which was very strange, has 2 dogs and 2 horses and has her first baby daughter.

I spent the afternoon staring at my new baby, taking pictures etc.

I spent some time going through the names book but I still couldn't come up with anything. It was driving me crazy!

All of a sudden the girl opposite said she had a bad tummy and had had the squits. She happened to mention it to a midwife who immediately shut everything down! It was like hazmat central! The bathroom was closed, she was whisked off to another room and all her stuff was sterilised and the floor cleaned. Suddenly it was just Baba and I on the 6 bed ward! It was very strange as when I was in with Leo is was constantly hectic and noisy.

I ate my dinner, alone and sat in the day room for a bit before settling down for the night. It didn't take too long before someone else joined me though. A first time Mum was put in the bed opposite and immediately closed her curtains. Humf!

Was hoping for a better nights rest but it wasn't to be.

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