Tuesday 11 May 2010


The weekend was quite busy. First thing Saturday morning we had to take our car to the garage and swap the car seats, and the boys into a hire car. It took ages but thankfully the boys were well behaved.

The garage is right by Nanny and Grandad George's house so we popped in for a surprise visit.

We went home for lunch and the boys had a little nap before we all went swimming. I really need to take Leo swimming more often but there always seems to be a reason why I can't go. Currently he has a high temperature so I can't take him at the moment.

Sunday morning we didn't do anything but after some lunch I took the boys to Nanny and Grandad Rennolds' house and Rob went to the warehouse to do some work and was then going to meet us at the house.

Ellis was so well behaved you didn't even know he was there. He ate his tea, got down and just played nicely.

I sat in the conservatory with Mum and Leo who worked out how to use the house of balls.

Rob never made it to the house so we left and met him back at home. It was just after 6:30pm and I was going out at 7pm. Rob said I was definitely going to be late but after running around getting everything sorted out I left him to do the bath and bed routine on his own. That was the first time since Leo was born! He did a really good job though and I checked the web cam when I was out to see little Leo snoozing away. He can do it more often now then ;o) To be honest I'm going away in July so he will have to do it then anyway so it would have been good practice.

I went to the cinema with Lucy to see The Back-up Plan. I bought VIP seat tickets, some chocolates, a coffee for Lou and popcorn. It was great and I had a really good time. It was a treat for Lucy as it was her birthday on Monday. Lucy said she would treat me at the end of the month for my birthday. Wicked! We are going to see Sex In The City 2 which should be ace.

Last night Leo woke at 12:30pm screaming. He was not a happy boy and when I went into him he was very, very hot. I stripped him off, took him downstairs and gave him a drink and some medicine before putting him back into my bed with me so I could keep an eye on him. Mistake. All he did was move around and tried to grab my face. He wasn't a happy bunny and he struggled to sleep, which in turn meant I didn't sleep.

Woke up with a sore neck and face and feeling rather tired.

Sharon and Sophie popped in in the morning on their way back from their music class. Sharon looked after Leo while I took Ellis to school. I knew there was something up with him when I sat him down to have his lunch. I think I stayed a little too long and he was crying a bit when I left. As I returned home the phone rang and it was the pre-school saying that Ellis was really upset and did I know what might be the problem. As I was speaking to them, my mobile went and it was the doctors who I wanted to speak to about Leo. I missed the call and I said I would pick Ellis up.

I left it a few minutes then called them back to speak to Ellis. I really needed to feed Leo and speak or go to the doctors so I didn't really want to go and get him. They said he was okay as they had told him that I was picking him up. I said fine I would leave it then as he wouldn't know what 10 minutes or 2 hours would feel like anyway. They didn't seem that happy with that.

I then spent some one on one time with Leo and he showed off his new skill that I hadn't seen before, and I haven't showed him either.

Because I had to pick Ellis up I had got Leo dressed in a romper suit. It was soft, thin and just right to keep a chill off him but to not make him any hotter. I thought he looked like an escaped convict, but cute.

We went to pick Ellis up and I was told that he was fine in the end. He said he had been sad at the table eating his lunch but was then happy again, and he made some cakes.

We went to Sally and Anna's house for Mummy afternoon but Leo started to get hot again. He fell asleep on me but it didn't last so I made a quick exit to get him home and in bed. Plus I knew Ellis was shattered so thought it would be better to be at home.

I put dinner on and then went to get Leo from his nap at 5pm. I took his temperature and it was 40.2! I couldn't believe it. I have never seen it that high. I stripped him off, opened all the windows gave him some medicine and a drink. He managed to eat a bit of peach and a yogurt and then his temperature came down to about 38.9 and he seemed a bit better, enough to get off my lap anyway. I used this opportunity to get Ellis ready for bed, and a good job too really.

I tried to give Leo some milk but he didn't want any and I put them both into bed. Leo in just his nappy.

10:30 Leo woke crying and his temperature was back at 40 again. More medicine and a drink and it went down a bit so I put him back to bed. I expect every 2 hours or so I will be doing the same routine. I so hope he feels better tomorrow. Stayed up way too late finishing this blog but at least it is done.

I'm now off to bed.

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