Thursday 5 February 2009

18 Months Old

For breakfast yesterday, I thought it would be nice to have something different so we had pancakes. Well at least I thought we would have pancakes. I polished mine off no problem. Ellis on the other hand wasn't that keen.

I just rolled some fruit up in it and then put some strawberry yogurt on top.

I tried just giving him little bits at a time but he spat them out. So I thought I would just mix it all together. Doesn't look all that appetising now.

Ellis didn't want it so I tried to show him the individual ingredients so that he could get an idea of what I was trying to feed him.

That didn't work either and he just spat the food out and pointed at the berries on the table! I eventually gave up and gave him 2 bits of Weetabix. I also gave him some warm milk which he loves at night time but didn't want it in the day, and certainly not in a cup!

"Ah well"

Woke up this morning feeling like I wanted to stay in bed. That was until I looked outside!

I let Ellis have a play with some snow and then we got wrapped up and went outside for the first time.

We had such a brilliant time. I took loads of photos, here are just a few, and a couple of videos.

We even built a snowman together. Ellis loved it!

The snow was quite deep in places and Ellis dragged his feet rather than picked them up so he spent a lot of time falling over. He didn't mind and it was fun to watch and film.

It wasn't that cold and when we went in the house, I checked Ellis' hands and they were toasty.

Ellis was worn out and asked to go for a sleep. I put him up for his nap and he had an hour and a half. I did the first part of this blog entry.

After lunch I decided we should go swimming. It took me ages to get everything ready but the roads were clear and we arrived on time.

We had a lovely time in the pool but getting out was a different story. It was really cold and Ellis stood by me shivering and laughing. It was really cute, but I got him dried and dressed as quickly as possible.

We then went to my Mum's for dinner. We arrived early as again the roads were quite clear and spent lots of time playing around.

As the title would suggest, Ellis turned 18 months old today. I had him weighed yesterday and he is 2st 1lb (13.2kg). Will try and do his height tomorrow. The health visitor said he was a big boy but a healthy size.

While at Mum's I tried very hard to get some good pictures of Ellis. As you can see the results are varied and I have posted some bad ones too to show how many I have to take.

Bad photos.

Okay photos.

Photos I like.

I was getting so frustrated that Mum gave me a hand at one point.

It was all good fun.

We left a little later than normal and when we got home we checked on our snowman. He had melted a bit and fallen over! Ellis kept saying "oh oh!"

Quick bath and bed for little one and then I did this mammoth blog entry!

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