Tuesday 11 November 2008

15 Months!

Friday morning we went swimming but this week we were on our own. Faith and Mark didn't make it and Nanny and Auntie Katie don't arrive until we are out of the pool and dressed. It's a shame really as I really enjoyed swimming with my cousins. Hopefully we can change the day soon and we can all go together again.

We went home for lunch and then I had a nap before we went to Twinkling Stars. There was loads of people there and we had loads of fun as always. I even went through the tunnel on my own without having to be forced, which Mummy was very happy about.

In the evening, Uncle Dave came over with some fireworks, which were amazing. I watched from inside the back door and I loved it! I hope we can have some more soon.


On Saturday, Mummy had a lie in and Daddy gave me my breakfast. It wasn't long before we were all back in bed having a snooze.

Once we had had lunch, we all went out to look at some cars and then we popped in to see Nanny and Grandad George. I had watching the fish, running up and down and just generally trying to cause havoc. Uncle Dave did his very best to stop me though.

We went home for some dinner and then shortly after it was bath and bed routine.

Sunday morning, Daddy did the early shift again. Mummy was really pleased about that as she hasn't been feeling 100% recently and needed the rest.

I went back to bed at 10am for nearly 2 hours which allowed Daddy a bit more sleep too.

Just after lunch we had some visitors arrive. Leighton, Jaidan, Sabriel and Jasper came to see us.

I had fun playing with Sabriel and Mummy had cuddles with Jasper until he started to cry and she passed him back to his Mummy. I didn't like the crying very much and so I put my fingers in my ears to block out the noise.

We then decided to go out for a walk. It was really cold, so I was wrapped up nice and warm in my cosi toes and off we went. We seemed to be walking for ages, but after a quick stop in the shops we were home again.

Our visitors left soon after we got home and just messed around until it was time to have our dinner.

Monday morning again! The weeks just fly by.

Early in the morning Daddy received a call from Uncle Dave to say that he was taking Grandad George into the hospital again as he wasn't feeling very well. We are very sad that Grandad isn't well again and hope that he makes a very quick recovery and gets home soon. We love you Grandad.

Sing and Sign had started again so I didn't get much of a nap before I was in the buggy, walking in the rain, down to the village hall. We arrived on time and I played with some toys before we started.

I was really excited this week and stood at the front of the class doing all the signs that the teacher was doing. Mummy is going to try and video me doing the signs soon so that you can get an idea of what it is I am doing.

The list of signs that I can sort of do is growing:

Bump Head
Change Nappy

Mummy thinks that is it.

After lunch Mummy and I had a long sleep and then we arrived slightly late for Mummy afternoon. We had a really good time at Sharon and Sophie's house. Lots of tea, cakes, biscuits, water and bread sticks were consumed.

We also ended up leaving late as everyone was having such a nice relaxing time.

In the evening, Daddy went to visit Grandad George, so Mummy and I had dinner together and then we did the bath and bed routine.

Mummy went out to her yoga class when Daddy got home.

Tuesday morning, Mummy suddenly remembered that she hadn't taken my 15 month pictures. It is slightly late but at least they are done.

Morning nap was followed by lunch and then we went up to Nanny Rennolds' house.

I had a quick play before we went to the local shop to do some food shopping. We stopped in the cafe for a quick drink and snack before we finished the shopping and went home.

Daddy was visiting again so Mummy and I did the same as the night before.

After I was in bed, Mummy rushed around trying to clear the house up before Daddy got home and they had a quick chat before Mummy went out to see her friends for a drink.

She met up with...

... Auntie Katie

Auntie Lucy


and Angela

Mummy was back quite late and after a cup of tea, had a shower and went to bed.

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