Friday 5 March 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

It was my Dad's birthday today so we met at our favourite restaurant for lunch.

I had had a rough early morning with the boys so things didn't run smoothly in the morning. I still managed to get all 3 of us to the restaurant before anyone else though.

Pictures and videos from the meal.

I quickly ran into Sainsbury's to get a birthday cake for Dad and then the restaurant staff brought it out, much to Dad's embarrassment.

As I said in my last post, Leo is crawling properly now. I didn't think he would bother.

At Mum's on Thursday he was playing in the hallway and I started to video him. He couldn't work out where I was. It was really cute.

My boys chilling.

This is Ellis in his new uniform ready for school.

Going swimming tomorrow which should be fun.

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