Friday 17 October 2008

First Shoes

Nic, Ella, Sharon and Sophie were all missing from Jolly Babies on Tuesday. Nanny arrived again which was great but I wasn't feeling 100% and spent my time fidgeting.

We had lunch then walked around to Sally and Anna' s house for Mummy afternoon. We had a lovely time and I really enjoyed reading Anna's books.

Daddy was at home being ill on the sofa.

Wednesday Daddy was still ill and he stayed in bed while we went to pick up Nanny George to go and buy me my first pair of shoes.

We arrived in town and walked to the Clarks store, which was shut! We had lunch in McDonalds, had a quick walk around a new shopping centre, where Nanny bought me a quacking duck and a Christmas book before we went back to the car.

We went to some shops that are local to Nanny's house but they didn't do the shoes that I needed either, so we decided to give up.

We stopped in Nanny's house and had a cup of tea and I watched the fish and just generally walked around until it was time to go home.

I fell asleep in the car but woke up when we arrived home.

Thursday morning we dropped a birthday card off at Sharon's house and then went to get my hair cut but the shop was shut! Just our luck.

We went to a local shoe shop to get me some shoes but the experience wasn't very good so Mummy decided to leave.

We then went to a Clarks store, just down the road. We had such a better time there.

While we were waiting to be served, I played with some toys.

A lady, called Suzanne, then came up to us and Mummy explained that we had had a rubbish experience in the last shop and was hoping for a better one here. The lady was more than happy to help and after she measured my feet, she brought out loads of boxes with different shoes in.

The first shop measured my feet at 3 1/2 G. This proper shop measured them at 4 1/2 G/H.

The first pair we tried on were wicked. I could walk in them well and Mummy really liked them.

I had a photo taken of me in my new shoes by the lady in the shop and Mummy has put it up in the living room at home.

Pictures of my shoes. Thank you Nanny George, I love them.

Mummy was really excited after we left the store and was jumping up and down saying yippeee!

We went up to see Nanny Rennolds but she was out so we walked up to the local shops with Auntie Katie and Kamron to get my hair cut.

The barber took ages and ages to cut my hair and I was really upset the whole time. I had tears and a runny nose and I wasn't breathing properly. Mummy tried her best to keep me occupied but it just didn't work.

Mummy didn't like the hair cut so I don't think we will be going there again.

When we got back to Nanny's I got to use my shoes outside for the first time.

I had cuddles with Nanny before going back in the house for dinner.

Mummy was on the computer for a while doing things for Nanny and so I was entertained by Grandad and Nanny. I had really good fun, reading books, playing with blocks and walking up and down.

We went home in time for my bath and bed routine.

Friday morning we went swimming which I really enjoyed. It was just me and Faith this week as Nanny, Auntie Katie, Chloe and Kamron can't make it until much later.

As we were leaving, they all showed up so I got to have a quick kiss before going home.

I had my lunch and then I was put in the buggy and we walked to a local restaurant where we met up with Nanny and Auntie Katie.

It was a really nice surprise and I sat by Nanny who helped me to do my first ever drawing.

I was really tired by the time we had to leave. I didn't manage to get a nap before we arrived at Twinkling Stars.

This week Naomi and Iestyn were there and so was Anna's Dad, Nick. I had loads of fun walking around and playing with all the different toys.

On the way home, I fell asleep and Mummy put me into bed straight away.

I woke up for dinner and then played for a bit before bath and bed routine.

I was given loads of medicine though as I had a high temperature due to my MMR jab we think. Hopefully I will be better tomorrow as it would be good to have a nice weekend with Daddy.

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