We all sat at the back of the room and the kids picked a coloured mat around Deb.
First thing they did was dress up as a wizard, which they then sang about.
A lot of the songs seemed to be about cleaning up.
My favourite was Ellis singing at the end of this song. Very cute.
Then they pretended to be cats. Ellis was a good cat.
Then a naughty cat.
They played with musical instruments too. Playing quietly and loudly.
At the end they did a bow, and we all clapped, and then they got a stamp on their hand.
We went to see Nanny Rennolds and Leo in Sainsbury's cafe after but we didn't stay long as Mum wanted to get home and I needed to get some food shopping done before getting home to feed the boys.
We arrived home late so they had a quick dinner which is usually a ping dinner or something on toast, which Ellis loves anyway.
We soon found out that our new car, after the inspection, has some things wrong with it. Lots of little things really but it wasn't road worthy and would cost us in the region of £1,500 to resolve. Rob called the garage and asked them if they would pay for it. Then we had to wait.
Thursday we went to Ellis' swimming lesson, which he still loves and then we picked up his new big boy car seat.
Also we received news that Nic had given birth to her baby boy in the early hours of the morning. It was really good as she was due to be induced that day anyway. We later received some pictures of the little cutie.
After getting the car seat we went straight up to Nanny and Grandad Rennolds' for some play time and food, followed by bath and bed. We had been told we could stay over when we wanted to, so we took them up on their offer pretty much straight away.
It's amazing how much stuff I have to take with me for just one night.
The boys slept well and woke up at 6:40am which is pretty good considering they aren't in their own beds. We went downstairs and had breakfast and tried to stay quiet so as not to wake up Nanny and Grandad. It wasn't long though before they joined us.
We had to leave around 9am so I could take Ellis to school and then Leo and I went to Sing and Sign. Leo seemed very tired at Mum and Dad's that morning and when I put him down for his nap, I knew it would be a good one.
3 1/2 hours later I had to wake Leo up so that I could pick Ellis up from school!
The news wasn't good regarding the car. The garage refused to pay for the repairs and requested the car back so that they could give it back to the company that they got it from. This meant that on Saturday morning, Rob drove to London to drop it off. I was sad to see it go but thought we had done the right thing.
Rob got the train back so Leo, Ellis and I went to pick him up at lunchtime. We then got back home to have some lunch.
The afternoon was so boring! We had to wait in for a delivery between 1-3pm and it arrived at 2:55pm! It was a wooden headboard for Ellis and I love it! Will take a picture when I remember.
The rest of the day was just boring. Sat around the house not doing very much. I snacked a lot.
I had an idea for Sunday, which turned out to be a good one.
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