The boys spent most of the weekend getting in and out of the car so we spent some time at the park and went to our favourite restaurant and just chilled out as a family.
I set the camera up on the TV stand and tried to take a family picture but the boys were just watching telly so we look happy and they look miserable.
Then Ellis had a go.
The boys have been pretty good recently. Ellis loves doing art work, watching TV, reading, playing on the computer and like most boys, running around.
Leo loves to play with the house. We have tons of toys but all he is interested in is anything but toys. He is quite a happy chappy though and I've started to try and get him interested in doing some colouring but I don't think he gets it just yet.
Ellis is getting on really well with his brother at the moment and they are really starting to play together which is lush.
Friday 8th Oct, Lotty put on a little party for the kids to celebrate Honour's 1st birthday.
"Birthday Girl"
We left the party a little early to go to the library to pick up a book for Rob and then just before the boys were in bed, I went back to Lotty's house to babysit. I just sat with my laptop chilling out watching my TV stuff, which I love.
Over the weekend we sorted out things with the car, played around the house and Rob took Ellis out to find some conkers but all they found were muddy puddles and streams. Ellis had fun though.
The boys had their hair cut on Monday and we ended up staying at my Mum and Dad's for dinner, which always makes my life easier.
Wednesday 13th October, Ellis had an accident at pre-school. He didn't wet himself but actually cut a chunk out of the top of his thumb with some scissors. It bled a lot and he had a plaster on it when I picked him up.
At night I told him that he couldn't suck his thumb as his baddy wouldn't be able to get better. He didn't know what to do with himself and I said he should just give his rabbit extra hugs, which he did. 3 nights now of not sucking his thumb. The only issue is he wakes up really early, 5 am this morning and gets in bed with me asking me if it is morning yet. I actually think he won't bother sucking his thumb again but I need to find a way of keeping him in his bed just for a little longer in the morning.
Thursday morning Leo had a nice long nap and Ellis wasn't allowed to watch TV because he had been naughty, we did some art work instead. It was actually really good fun and much better than being sat in front of the box like a zombie.
Ellis had his 3rd swimming lesson in the afternoon, and he loved it until the teacher dunked him on the way out of the pool. He jumped in and she helped him to swim across the pool so that he could get out and changed. But as she was crossing the pool she told him to blow bubbles and to look for fish under the water, then she said 1,2,3 and under. He didn't like it and kept going on about it until we got home.
We went to my Mum and Dad's again for dinner and we arrived a little earlier than normal as Ellis' lesson finishes at 1:30pm.
We had to leave quite early though so after the kids scoffed their dinner, which they don't normally do, had a quick bath and read a story, we were off home again.
They were very tired and fell asleep quite quickly which was nice to have a quiet journey home.
I put them in bed and rushed around getting ready for my night out. I had a committee meeting at 7:30pm and then I was due to meet my AB girls at 8:30pm for some food.
The committee meeting was good and I wished I could have stayed but I had planned to see the girls 2 months ago and I did really want to go.
I had a wicked time. It was so nice to see them all again and to catch up. I don't see them anywhere near enough. We all have 2+ kids though and most work and we all live dotted around the city so it's quite hard to find a time we can all make. Even this time one was missing.
I got home quite late, took my make-up off (yes I do sometimes wear it) and went straight to bed.
The next day, another incident for Ellis. I picked him up from school and was told that he had shoved a yoghurt covered fruit piece up his nose at snack time. They had tried to get it out but not sure they had succeeded.
I could see that something wasn't right by the colour of his snot and it tasted of strawberry (just kidding) so I tried to get him to blow his nose but he wasn't happy and just kept saying it was stuck. I said we would need to go to the hospital to get the doctor to remove it if he couldn't blow it out himself. Luckily Rob wasn't far off being home so I could take him when he got back.
I got home and immediately made him blow as hard as he could into a tissue. It didn't take too many blows before a chunk of strawberry came flying out. The snot cleared up almost immediately and Ellis said it felt much better. He promised he would never do it again, but I'm not so sure.
We went swimming today, yes today! I am up-to-date, made easier by the fact that I stopped taking too many photos and videos. Not really on purpose though.
Ellis was in with us at 5am asking if it was morning. We let him stay but tomorrow if he does the same I am putting him back in his own bed.
So this morning we didn't do very much. I had a lie in but woke with a horrid headache which I still have now and it's 11:05pm, so not nice.
After lunch we went swimming. I say we but I mean Hubby and the boys as I don't have a swimming costume that fits at the moment. Hoping to get one next week sometime. They had a good time and after a quick snack after we went to Sainsbury's to do a bit of shopping.
We were then going to go to our favourite restaurant but realised they weren't doing the meal deal which makes a main meal £5 instead of £10 so decided to go home instead. Ellis was okay with it actually and I was rather surprised as he usually gets really upset. I just said it was shut and that seemed to work.
We ate quite late and I just changed Leo and put him in bed before 6:45pm. Unfortunately Ellis had had a snooze in the car during the day so he didn't settle so after 3 toilet trips and few threats, he eventually went to sleep.
I spent my evening watching Glee, feeling Nugget move and kick and blogging.
Hurrah to me!
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