Thursday 15 January 2009

Devil to Angel

Went shopping this week to get some stuff for Dollop. It was a reasonably successful trip and I managed to get a few things.

We went into Ikea for some storage boxes and we decided to stop for something to eat and drink. The best idea ever. Ellis had a little play while I ate cake and drank hot chocolate.

Wednesday morning, Ellis woke from his nap with the best hair style I have ever seen! I made him wait in his cot while I ran to get the camera. You can also see that he slept with his hand on his face, such a cutie.

I tried to wet it down flat but it didn't work.

In the afternoon, Ellis was a nightmare to say the least. I was having problems with my pelvis so I wasn't that capable of running after him so at Music with Mummy he kept getting away from me. Thankfully I had support from Sally and Naomi who did the running for me. Thanks guys.

I then had a rough time in Sainsbury's, as yet again I bought too much stuff to actually get home! Ellis was playing up in the buggy and as I tried to put his jacket on, the buggy fell over. I was in pain, holding a wriggling crying toddler and I swear I had just heard the jar of pickle smash. I think I could have just cried there and then, but a nice man came to help and held the buggy up while I sorted it all out.

The walk home was even worse! The buggy was so heavy, it was cold, raining and windy and I couldn't put my coat on as the buggy would fall over again. I was stressed out to say the least. Ellis was still moaning and my pelvis was struggling with the slight hill climb. What a mess to get in.

Ellis then spent the next few hours screaming at me. I didn't really know what to do as I needed to get his dinner ready etc but I just couldn't take the noise! I was thinking about putting my i-pod on at one stage. What on earth is he going to be like when Dollop is here?

Rob arrived home to a messy living room, and a very stressed out mother, but the kitchen was clean. I took off for line dancing as I really needed to unwind a bit.

I was dreading Thursday but as it happens, it turned out to be one of the best days ever! Ellis was just so well behaved all day, it was like a very different boy.

We both had a nap in the morning and then after lunch we went swimming. We took our time and just really enjoyed it. I'm really looking forward to going next week now.

The good behaviour continued when we got home and I was able to potter about for a bit before sitting with him and reading and playing games.

Ellis can now open the living room door and although it took him less than 10 seconds to get up the stairs to his rabbit in the cot, he hasn't actually tried to get out all that much.

It was a huge pleasure to spend the day with him today and I only hope tomorrow is the same.

1 comment:

  1. What a shame I didn't make it Wednesday as I usually do, I could have helped with running after Ellis, and the buggie wouldn't have fallen over, and I could have pushed up the hill.

    I am so pleased you had a good time swimming, especialy as I was poorly, and had to let you down with tea, never mind there is always next week. x x x x


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