Sunday 5 September 2010

Baby Number 3

It all started a year ago now when Rob and I went out for our first meal on our own since Leo had been born. We talked about travelling a lot but I also asked if there was any possibility that Rob might like to have another child one day. Leo was only 5 months old and I wasn't interested in trying again any time soon but needed to know so that if he didn't want any more, I could get my head around it and get rid of all the stuff etc. But I didn't get the response I thought I would and he actually said that he couldn't say no for sure. That was it.

I started a new blog just in case and to note down any thoughts I had on the subject which I couldn't obviously post on here.

Then at Christmas time, Rob looked at me while reading to the boys saying that why don't we just do it! Have another one. He said he liked the age gap between the boys and asked when we would need to start trying. The answer was in a few months. I suddenly got all nervous and excited!

I double checked with Rob a couple of times that he was sure before coming off the pill in March to take folic acid for 3 months and to wean Leo off of me a bit so I could start working out a cycle etc.

The months passed rather quickly and before I knew it it was the beginning of June and we were taking our 0 week bump picture.

The night I left for Nicky's house to go on the hen weekend, was the night we did the pregnancy test, and it was positive! I was so excited, scared, worried, happy and all the other emotions that you feel.

I had to wait until I was 9 weeks pregnant to have my checking in appointment which went on and on! They took 3 attempts to get my blood and kept messing around with the new computer system. Leo wasn't happy but eventually went to sleep in the buggy and we left with my new orange book which always makes it feel more real.

This time around Rob and I decided we would have an Oscar scan which would detect any signs of Downs Syndrome. My friend Saskia kindly had both the boys around her house and Rob came home from work to come with me. This was Friday 3rd September.

That morning I had had a visit from Naomi and Iestyn and I was going to tell her my news but before I could, she told me she was pregnant! I was so happy and excited for her. Then I told her about me and we both screamed and just sat chatting about it for ages. We are only 5 days apart! It will be great to go through it with someone else at the same stage.

We went to the hospital and waited around for a bit before I was taken into a room to give a sample of my blood for some tests. The nurse had no problem getting the sample and we had an hour to kill before going back for the scan. The hospital is right next to Leighton and Jaidan's house so we popped in to say hi and to see their new baby, Nico.

The scan was rather rushed as the doctor was really late. It was still really good though. It took him a while to find Nugget (baby's name for now) and to confirm that there was only one in there. Then when he found it, it was really zoomed in to the head so when he zoomed out I saw the heart fluttering away straight away and I instantly relaxed as I had been really worried about it.

We were able to listen to the heartbeat which really surprised me and I was totally in awe just staring at the screen. We got a few pictures too which was great.

The consultant was able to confirm my dates and I'm due on 14th March 2011.

On Saturday 4th September we invited the parents over so that we could tell them together. It was quite tricky getting them all over at the same time but we managed it. I didn't wait too long before gathering them together and showing them the pictures of the scan. Mum just broke down and the others were quite surprised and happy. I did video the reactions but think Mum would rather I didn't post it as she is just a blubbering mess.

We talked about it for a while and the news very slowly started to sink in.

Sunday 5th was the day that Rob ran the half marathon. He went down early to start with his friends and the plan was that Tilly, Ethan, Noah, Tilly's mother-in-law, me and the boys were to go down and watch. The weather was horrid but we eventually parked up just outside of town and started our walk in.

The boys were really well behaved and unfortunately we missed the men starting off. So while we waited we found an open cafe and tried to dry off while having a nice cuppa.

The plan was to then find a good spot close to the finish line so that we could see them run past. We found a place right next to the railings that was blocked by rubbish bags. We moved them over and had a really good view. Luckily it had stopped raining and after a long wait, Simon, Tilly's hubby was running past, closely followed by Ken.

We waited a little longer and there was Rob. We shouted and waved at him. I was so proud of him and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. He has come such a long way and has worked so hard and I just can't believe I watched him finish a half marathon, in under 2 hours I must add. Well done beebs xxx

We rushed home and everyone showered and cleaned up before going to our favourite restaurant for a celebratory meal.

We chilled out at home for the rest of the day just messing about playing with boxes, singing and dancing around. I have an ace video of Ellis singing and dancing but he didn't have any clothes on so can't post it.

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