The house we viewed was right opposite the school and I didn't mind it. I didn't love it and found it a bit grotty but thought we could clean it up a bit and make it home, so I instantly said we were interested as long as the landlord could do a few things first. They called back quite quickly and said that would be fine. Rob paid the deposit and that was it, we were moving! I didn't tell anyone for ages as I wanted (strangely) to keep it as a surprise but when I realised that the FOR LET sign would go up outside our old house, I had to tell everyone anyway. I'm such a div sometimes.
So the day came that we were to move (27th Aug). Leo hadn't called for me which was a bit strange and as I went in to him I realised why. The poor little poppet was very hot and lethargic. Just what we and he needed! He was really poorly but I couldn't keep him with us so I dosed him up with drugs and he went to see Caroline, Andy and Angus. He hadn't stayed with them before and I thought Jock the little Jack Russell would worry him but he was fine so I left.
Ellis came with me to pick up the keys. I wanted him to be a part of the day, to see his stuff being moved etc so he wouldn't suddenly just turn up to the new house being told that was where he was going to live. We wanted him to be excited about it all. It was quite a struggle as a lot of the time he didn't want to move and didn't like the idea of someone else living in his current house.
The landlord was late dropping off the keys so we had to wait for a bit but we were soon at the new house scrubbing. My Mum and Dad were there to help. Dad watched Ellis and Mum and I cleaned and cleaned. Ellis got a bit bored and so was Dad so when Rob needed to empty the freezer Dad and Ellis picked it all up and took it back to Nanny and Grandad's house for a bit. Mum and I continued to clean and Rob kept an eye on the removal guys.
Rob arrived just after lunch time and the guys sat in the lorry eating their lunch and Rob went out to get him and Mum some fish & chips. I didn't fancy anything. They sat and ate and I pottered until it was time to start unloading.
At 3pm I was due to pick Leo up and take him to Charlotte's house as Caroline was going out in the afternoon. Just before 3 I got a call to say that Leo had taken a turn for the worse. I zoomed over to get him and it wasn't a pleasant sight. The poor baby was just a floppy mess. He didn't even want me to hold him, he just wanted to stay where he was. I took him back to the new house where the removal men were trying to off load the lorry and they kept asking me where stuff had to go! I just kept telling them that I had to look after my baby. We stripped him off, gave him some more drugs and I arranged an emergency appointment at the doctors.
The doctor saw us really quickly and he checked him out. He said he was very poorly (obviously!) and that his stats were low. Not really sure what that meant but I assume blood pressure etc and he put the heart monitor machine on him. He told me if he gets any worse to take him straight to A&E. He thought it could be the start of a chest infection. Obviously I was very worried and quite stressed out as I didn't have a comfy place for him to be.
I can't really remember what happened next. All I know is that we were moved. Mum and Dad helped so much and after sending them home we just nursed Leo. Rob went out at 11:30pm to get his prescription and I just sat with him.
We had to give him medicine every 2 hours. Calpol and Nurofen and Antibiotics every 4 hours. We also had to take his temp all the time and to try and get fluids into him. This cycle continued for 4 days straight, day and night. I slept semi sat up with him laid on my chest and woke every 2 hours to do medicine, temp and drugs. It was really tough going and I was shattered. It was made much harder by the fact that we had moved house and worked so hard and I was 12 weeks pregnant! Another blog coming on that bit of exciting news soon.
The following day after the move we had to go back to the old house to clean that up. Mum was ill in bed so she couldn't come and help but Dad agreed to take care of the boys for me so I went and dropped them off in the morning.
I met up with Rob, Nanny and Grandad George at the old house as they were going to help us that day. We so needed it! The house looked amazing once we had finished but I was surprised how long it actually took us. Another day gone and all we had done was clean.
I picked the boys up and went to the new home and crashed. Rob came home a bit later.
On the Sunday we slowly started to un-pack while we took it in turns to take care of Leo. Tough weekend.
Bank Holiday Monday Ellis and I went to Ikea to get some rugs and a TV stand. Leo wasn't well enough to come so he stayed home with Daddy.
It was so nice just being out with my Ellis and so easy only having one child! We had a wicked time. We had so much fun. It took us ages to decide on a TV stand and the rug Ellis picked for his room was horrid, but it was for his room so I didn't mind.
After we got home, Rob then said the TV stand I had bought was too wide, even though he had given me the measurements! So back we went. Ellis didn't mind and I said that if he was a good boy he could have an ice-cream. Again we had a wicked time and he was a really good boy, so I fulfilled my promise. I had a hot dog though.
Rob then spent the evening putting it together.
Rob went back to work on the Tuesday and I took the boys to the old house to hand over the keys. I don't think they could quite believe how spotless we had left the place. I was a bit emotional leaving the house for the last time. So much had happened there. Lots of memories and special times.
I then had to wait in all afternoon for the man from Virgin to give me back my internet.
Here is a video I forgot to post before the move of Ellis loving his new toy.
The rest of the week was a blur. We had electricians, plumbers and visitors galore. I didn't take any pictures or videos. We received some lovely cards and presents. One gift from Charlotte made me cry. It is a box frame filled with pictures taken in and around our old house including special moments. It has a little heart shaped map of our old road and little beads spelling out the road name. I love it! Thanks again Lotty xxx
Baby post coming up next.
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