Friday 6 January 2012

New Preschool

Friday 6th January and Leo started at a new preschool.  It is actually the preschool that Ellis went to when he was 2 1/2, so around the same age, and same time of year actually.  Leo has been at another preschool though since September so I assumed he would be okay with it all.

I tried to take pictures of him in his new uniform but he wasn't having any of it.

In the end I just did a video.

We walked round to the school and Leo pretty much jogged the whole way.  When Ellis went, I took him in the buggy and he very rarely walked as he was just too slow.

I tried to get him to use the loo first but he wouldn't and so we waited in the queue to sign him in.  I had to go in though to sign some forms and he tried to run off and play but they start the day with them all sat on the carpet, which he isn't used to.  Thankfully Maggie goes to the same preschool so I sat him by her and made a sharp exit.  I waited outside to check all was okay, and it was.

Oscar and I spent our day having fun together.  I totally forgot how lush it was to just spend time with my youngest baby.  We had a really lovely time and I got lots done around the house too.

We went to Sophie's house for lunch which was lovely and calm and then drove to pick Leo up.

I didn't really talk to the teachers too much, but did find out that he had wet himself 3 times and spent most of his time outside on the scooters.  I wasn't pleased about the wetting himself as he doesn't do that at the other preschool.  The difference being that he has to ask to use the loo and then they have to unlock a door and take him to a toilet outside the main hall.  I will tell them to keep prompting him next time.

Other than that, he seemed to have a good time.

Uncle Dave took Ellis to his swimming lesson so that made life easier for me and the younger two.

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