Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day 37 - Jobs

In bed before 7pm! Unheard of.  Yes I had laptop, book, iPad and phone with me but it was good to have a proper break from being Mum and just relaxing.  I listened to a couple of TEDX talks and started a podcast but was too tired and started to drift off so I've saved it for another day.

Woke up feeling refreshed, apart from all the aches and pains that I still have.  My forehead is the worst though.

My Mum called me at 9:15am as she was ready to start her day and couldn't wait for me to call her.  Dad was already up the yard (they have a field with horses) working and Mum was keen to join him.

I sorted breakfast, quite late, and had my bucket of tea.  I ventured out for my jog.  It's been nearly a week since I went out last and I wasn't expecting much to be honest.  The cycle path was rammed and it was really tricky to actually jog in a straight line, so I quickly changed my route.  The only problem with that is that I don't know where I am going!  I managed a very wiggly route and got home having done just over 5k.  It was hot and I had a stitch, but I did it.

Rob spent the vast majority of his day in the garden.  He cleaned off the fence ready for painting, cut the grass, front, back and side and cleaned tiles in the back garden.  Hot work and I'm sure he will be sun burnt.

I played some Jenga with the boys, booked a click and collect Sainsbury's slot, changed my bed (which took forever for some reason) and went through all of Oscar's clothes as a friend of mine is looking for some for a family she is helping.  Spoke to Sophie on FT and tried and failed to read my book.  I also did a bit of cleaning.

I live in active wear or pyjamas, anyone else?

I've realised that Ellis doesn't feature very much on here, mainly because he isn't around.  He spends 90% of his day in his room.  Well I'm going to try and change that, which won't be difficult starting next week as he will be back to doing school work and I can have him downstairs with us, although that doesn't always work out for the best.  Here he is doing a hiit workout.

My brother Mark has been making the most of this weather.  He's set up his pool, which is huge! I wonder how long it took to fill up 🤔 Looks like they're having fun in lockdown.

I managed to get Leo and Oscar to watch the next Indian Jones film with me.  It's so nice to snuggle up on the sofa with them both.  They seemed to enjoy it but Leo struggled to go to bed as I think he was feeling a bit scared.  We ended up dragging his mattress into Ellis' room so he could have a sleepover.  They went quiet very quickly which I was surprised about.

Tomorrow I plan to go through Leo's clothes and maybe do some baking and I would like to go out for another run too.  Might get up earlier and get that done first thing when hopefully it is a bit quieter.

Ellis has a zoom chat with his rugby team in the morning.  I think they're going to do a bit of a quiz.  Should be fun for him and nice to see his mates.

Right, just gone 11pm.  I'm off to sleep now. Night all x

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