I hadn't been feeling quite right since my curry night with the girls but had nothing to show for it other than cramps, pains, and just generally feeling a bit sick.
Unfortunately it got rather worse on Friday which was a shame as it was the day of our 20 week scan (at 21+4 days).
In the morning I was in 2 minds about going to Leo's Sing and Sign class but I made it and just sat there as still as I could. Leo ran around but wasn't too bad. As long as I was sitting still and not singing I felt okay.
I had a piece of toast for lunch and that was all I could manage.
Mum came over at 2pm to take care of Leo and to pick Ellis up from school so that Rob and I could go for the scan.
We got to the hospital and there were plenty of parking spaces which was lucky.
We signed in and paid for some pictures. I wanted 4 and they were £4 each! Rob couldn't believe it when he received his change from a £20 note.
We sat waiting, me huffing and puffing because I felt so rotten and Rob huffing and puffing because of the cost of the pictures, before being called in quite quickly.
The ladies name was Tracy and she was very friendly. We went into a scan room we haven't been in before which was nice and I got up on the table and we could soon see our little Nugget on the screen.
Rob's face was about an inch away from the monitor as he was trying to hunt down the male or female parts. I really didn't want to know and was so determined not to find out but after showing us the skull, brain, eyes, mouth, heart, kidneys, there it was. Both Rob and I said at the same time "it's a boy then?!" I've seen it's got a willy. Tracy laughed a bit nervously as she hadn't told us to look away etc and it was pretty obvious as she was zooming up and down the babies legs to kidneys area. We spent a long time talking about it being our 3rd little boy and how my life was doomed to be seriously outnumbered, forever blue with toilet seats up and rowdy boys running and jumping around. Rob quickly turned to me and said "don't think you will be getting a 4th because of this!".
Tracy took some pictures and at the end said she had gone a bit overboard taking pictures and not to tell the front desk. I was quite excited about that but she actually only went overboard by 1. We had 5 pictures and 4 of them are the same front on view of the skull. No hand or foot, side on profile, body, nothing. I wish I had thought to ask at the time but we were so busy talking about it being a boy that I forgot.
Back at home we told the boys and Mum the news which was all rather exciting and then I started to receive text message replies to a message I had sent out telling everyone else what had happened. I had some lovely responses back and one from Sophie (AB) made my Mum and I cry. Lush.
I had a lot of messages saying, better luck next time, have to go for a 4th then etc but I think 3 boys is enough for anyone thank you. Chances are the 4th would be a boy anyway. There was only a 1:4 chance of this one being a boy.
Mum stayed for a while but after she left I still wasn't feeling right but was determined to get out to see some fireworks. I had talked about it with Ellis for a while and he was quite excited, especially as his cousins were going to be there too.
Rob wasn't up for going but when I asked him to tell Ellis that, he soon changed his mind so we wrapped up warm and packed all our waterproofs as it was tipping down with rain.
It took a while to get to the venue but we parked up fine and made it to the marque for some cover.
The fireworks were brilliant! It didn't cost anything to go and see them but they were amazing. The bonfire was huge! The boys were totally fine with it and Leo didn't even jump once.
The fireworks were going on for ages and the boys got a bit bored. Luckily Nanny and Auntie Karen were sat in the pub which is on the grounds so the boys went inside and I stood with my Dad and brother Craig watching the rest of the fireworks. It went on for so long but it was very impressive. I would definitely go again next year.
We didn't stay too late and put the boys in their pyjamas before we left so it would be easier when we got home.
They both fell asleep so we put them to bed and I followed shortly after.
I had the lie in on Saturday which was great as I really needed it. We didn't really do anything. Rob and Ellis blobbed around and Ellis fell asleep for a bit so I went out for an hour and a half with Leo which was nice.
Sunday was supposed to my turn doing the early shift, but after getting up and falling all over the place because of feeling dizzy I realised I would be safer in bed and asked Rob to take over. It wasn't that early, just gone 8am but it still robbed him of some sleep.
I didn't get out of bed until 2pm and I just sat on the sofa doing nothing all day. Poor Ellis was stuck in all weekend so after dinner I asked Rob to take him out and about to the shops etc so that at least he had a different view for an hour.
Rob came home with a Chinese take-away which I scoffed down as I hadn't been eating properly for a few days and I just needed some stodge. It was delicious. I hadn't been fancying it recently so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
I was back in bed again before 10:30pm, hoping to get as much rest as possible before Rob went to work the following day.
Monday morning I wasn't 100% but improved from the weekend so I was able to cope. I got Ellis to school on time and then at home pottered around clearing up and doing some housework which was way overdue.
I've been trying to do this blog entry for days but just haven't had the energy. I am feeling really really tired at the moment so I'm thinking of getting myself checked out. I feel tired a lot but not like this.
Can't do any more. Be back soon.
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