Would you believe it but I actually got up and went for a run, early, in the rain! I never, ever thought that would be something I would do, and actually enjoy it. I can do a 5k in just under half an hour now. I need to try and push my distance a bit really, but if I'm going in the morning I need to keep it short. Don't think I'll be doing that regularly anyway.
I got back and the boys were eating their breakfast. They quickly finished up and went to get dressed and do their teeth. We were all ready for Joe Wicks on time. 👍 Thanks Rob x
For Oscar's literacy lesson today his lovely teacher had done an online video. It was the best thing ever! He sat there listening intently and produced his best work yet! I wish all his literacy lessons could be like that and I have put in a request so fingers crossed. 🤞
It was then time for Maths which is usually great at keeping them quiet as they just get on with it. I got a few jobs done while they were busy and occupied.
Another Art lesson started with tears for Oscar but he finally produced something, which obviously he wasn't very happy with. Just in case you don't know, it's an elephant running away from a fire in a forest.
Leo produced a picture showing him living a sustainable life. His little story if you can zoom in on the picture is really cute. It says about having a filter so he can drink the water from the river, that he makes his own clothes from the wool from his sheep, rides his bike and has a solar panel. 😊
Leo was also really cute with his rabbit today, It's name is Rumpelstiltskin, he's had him since he ws born, and he said that he was teaching him. 😍. Anything to get him to do some bloody literacy work!
Finally got a new picture from my sister with little Jude in it. He's changing and growing so much! I'm sad I missed his early days and strange to think I might not get to see him or the rest of my family for a long time yet. 😔😢
Once school work had been finished I took the opportunity to take myself and a cup of tea up to my room again. I think this is definitely the way forward as with the doors shut and my headphones on I get a bit of peace and quiet. Bliss.
I had the usual mess about on Snapchat and I thought this one was hilarious. I could not stop laughing, such great therapy.
I came across this on my Instagram feed and I'm going to give it a try. I'm not really a chocolate person, much prefer crisps and biscuits but the boys like chocolate so it might make a nice change from the usual fairy cakes we make.
Pretty uneventful rest of the day. The boys were on screens, I did some jobs and dinner. Rob was home quite late from the office and then had a Zoom call with friends. I got the boys to bed, wrapped Leo's birthday presents and went to bed to blog. I plan to watch Killing Eve nearly every evening but I just run out of time. Might at least start it now as it isn't quite 11pm. Actually it is now I've read through what I've typed. 😃
Today I learnt how to work out the angles inside a polygon, I'm not missing trying to get Leo to school on time every day and I am grateful for learning new things with my boys.💙