Sunday, 13 September 2020

Day 179 - Walkies

I literally have no idea where the time is going, but it's going!  The boys have all settled into the new routines and although tired, have generally been in good spirits, which is great.  They couldn't wait for Friday afternoon so they could just flop and chill.

It's Shauna Pops 18th birthday today! See what I mean about time just going. I remember snuggling her when she was a newborn baby where she proceeded to vomit down my cleavage. 😂. She seems to still be doing well at her new college but has been asking for her Mum a bit so Lucy and Craig met up with her for a little dog walk this weekend which is lovely.

Sleep is still in short supply and I've been trying to get to bed earlier to do a bit of catching up but that isn't always working as last night Oscar had me up a few times, Rob couldn't go to sleep until the early hours so that unsettled me, I got too hot in the night, needed the loo and was awake at 4am again!  I'm sure it's just a phase and will pass soon enough.  Will just keep trying with the early nights.

Mum and Dad came over yesterday and we all went for a lovely walk.  The boys didn't moan once which was refreshing and we all enjoyed it.

I cooked Dad and Rob some Hello Fresh burgers for dinner, Mum brought her own salmon and ping rice and the boys all had pizza.  Then I put loads of naughty nibbles on the table and we played cards for an hour or so.   Mum and Dad left around 9pm and I went straight to bed.  It was a lovely afternoon and something we won't be able to do again for a while.  It's so unfair. 😤

I met up with Saskia this afternoon and we did the same walk that I did with Mum and Dad and then we both agreed it was a lovely day to be sitting in a pub garden, so that's what we did.  Haven't done that in a long time and there was a bit of an atmosphere too.   A nice refreshing drink and a chat about all things other than Covid.

Got a busy one tomorrow.  Going to get out early for a run, quick shower and get all 3 boys off to school on time, then need to get down to MIL's with my laptop as she is due to have a video physio appointment so need to set that up for her.  It's at 10am which doesn't sound too early but it is.  Hopefully it will all work out.  Need to collect food shop and get on with sorting out Oscar's room which has been bugging me all weekend.

Netball training in the evening which I'm really looking forward to.  It's great to see the girls and to be able to actually play a game of netball has been such a good thing for me.  Also my Ellis recently received a merit for his netball ability.  He said he scored 3 out of 4 shots and was very chuffed that he knew all the rules of the game.

I realise I haven't finished the bucket list yet and I'm in no rush, I'll get there.  Right really flagging now so off to snoozville for me hopefully.

Rule of six commences tomorrow and I bloody hope it helps to reduce the speedy spread of the virus.  What a time to be alive! 😏😩. I know it could be a lot worse and I count my blessings, daily.

Stay safe and sensible everyone.😷  We will get through this, maybe not by Christmas but hopefully by next summer. 🙏

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