I realise it's been a while. I'm not really sure what I'm doing with my evenings now but they certainly go! It's already gone 10:30pm and I'm only just starting to blog. That's okay though and I've removed the pressure from myself about having to do it on time, in line with a set day etc. It does also mean that I'm not taking as many pictures or videos though.
All is good here. The boys have taken going back to school in their stride and I couldn't be more proud of them. They are all tired and struggling a bit with physical aches and pains but generally they are happy.
Rugby is back in full swing too and Oscar and Ellis have both started at new clubs and have settled in well and are enjoying it.👍 Ellis has also started his Bristol Bears program on Monday evenings and I think he's going to love that.🐻
Leo is trying so, so hard at his new school. So far he is doing amazing and is receiving lots of merits which helps to keep him motivated. He is an emotional wreck by the end of most days, not eating very much and his bag, which is ridiculously heavy, is causing him back and leg pain, but other than that he is really proud of himself and us even prouder. I do have to get him to a piano lesson tomorrow night though, so that will be interesting. 🤔
Ellis is going to be the busiest by far. He has school, Bristol Bears, 2 x club rugby, homework, guitar lesson DofE and will soon be starting CCF (cadets) on a Saturday! He's doing okay so far. We had a lovely snuggle this evening and little chat about how it was all going and he seems reasonably content, which is amazing for him.👏
As for me, I'm loving it. I love getting all their stuff organised and slowly working through their old kit and ordering new stuff. I've taken MIL to an appointment today and I've been catching up with loads of friends I haven't seen to talk to, uninterrupted, in a very long time. I'm sure all that will settle down soon and I will make a start on deep cleaning the house and furniture shopping. Car shopping is the priority though and I am still looking.
Went to netball training last night and we actually had a go at a bit of game play with the new netball rules. It actually worked ok and I didn't find the new rules got in the way at all really. The league won't be coming back until after Christmas and it won't be "competitive" it will just be friendlies, which aren't always that friendly and are definitely competitive! 💪 I'm enjoying being back, even if it is a little odd in this new normal world we're living in.
I'm still exercising regularly, running, hiit workouts and netball training. I smashed my PB for the 5k again which I was pleased about. I knew I was pushing myself at the time as I was in a bit of a rush to get back home as I needed to help Oscar get ready for school. 🏃
As for Covid, it's all kicking off again. We've been floating along with about 1,000 new cases a day for a while now and only a few deaths but I think that figure has over doubled in the last 48 hours so the government announced tonight that social gatherings of 6 or more are banned, by law, as of Monday. It's all these young uns heading back out to party! 😄
Shauna Pops seems to have settled in to her new college really well and Lucy has received some positive messages which is great. I'm sure it hasn't quite sunk in properly yet, but Lucy, Craig and Ashlee are all doing well. I met up with Lucy yesterday and we went for a cream tea. Think it's my first one this year! It was yummy.😋
Leo hasn't been sleeping that well, he's had a wobbly tooth, which is now out, which stopped him going to sleep and he seems to be having a lot of bad dreams, 2 nights in a row now and so I've gone in with him for snuggles. This morning was a 5am start and I just couldn't switch back off again! It was so frustrating but brain was away and running!
Can't think of anything else to report on right now. We're all doing okay. Looking back over the last few months feels like they went by in a bit of a blur, like they never happened. Strange. I don't miss homeschooling that's for sure!!!!!
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