The boys have all coped so well this week. There has definitely been nerves a plenty but they have all come home happy and proud of themselves and I couldn't ask for more. Tiredness has been a common theme and Oscar could hardly pick his feet up this morning to walk to school, we were almost late! Leo has settled in to his new school really well and has received a few merits, one in English for listening which I was doubly proud of, so lots of praise. Ellis I think is pleasantly surprised by how good it feels to be back to school. I'm sure the novelty will wear off pretty quickly.
I've loved pottering around and getting things tidy knowing that it won't be trashed in 30 seconds and I'm getting a bit on top of stuff. Ellis is still in need of uniform trousers which I will go on the hunt for next week. I just can't believe where the days are going! Will be Christmas soon!
Rob went into the office today so I actually had the house to myself for the whole day, for the first time in months, but chose to go out and catch up with a couple of friends instead. I'm not complaining and no regrets as I've had a lovely day. I saw Lotty for a cuppa in the park which was really nice and I handed over the Angel DVD sets for her and Mark to watch. I love the whole Buffy and Angel series and I might actually watch them over.
Since Ellis has been back to school he is super tired when he gets in. This evening he could hardly lift his head from the table to talk to us and is even a bit too tired to argue back! This has meant that he hasn't wanted to cook the Hello Fresh meals and so I have taken over. I'm actually really enjoying it. I love that everything is already there, in the right quantity, there is no wastage and in 6 easy steps I make a reasonably healthy, tasty meal for Ellis and Rob, which Rob loves and Ellis eats a bit which is a shame.
I'm still on the hunt for a car and I've been looking more than once a day but still no luck yet. I'm sure something will turn up. Luckily my Mum has leant us her other car which I picked up on Thursday. It was tipping down with rain but I thought it would be a good idea to walk to their house to get it. Kill 2 birds one stone sort of thing. I was soaked through to my pants by the time I got to Rob's parents GP. I went via there so I could sort out getting all their medications delivered straight to their door and would save me having to faff with it. I got very cold waiting in the queues of the pharmacy and the GP but I finally sorted it all out and Rob's dad was very happy so it was totally worth it. It took a long time to get to mum and dad's and when I arrived I went straight to the shower to warm up. I'd taken a spare set of clothes and got nice and cosy.
I also took the opportunity to go via the church where my friend from school is buried. She was killed at 17 in a car crash, just outside her home on the way back from work. I haven't been there for a very long time but I found her grave straight away.
I had another go at trying to do my nails. I'm so rubbish at it. Even sitting down watching something on TV for a bit, waiting for them to dry did not stop me from messing them all up with literally 2 minutes of doing something other than sitting still! I'm not sure I'll bother again although I bought some dry drops to give that a go, so maybe.
It's so funny that I should do my nails as a new Snapchat filter came out today where you can do nails.
My Lucy, Shauna, Ashlee and Craig are on my mind a lot. Shauna pops is off to residential college tomorrow. I can't even begin to imagine how they are all feeling and I'm sure it's a real mixture of emotions. They have done their very best to make Shauna's life a happy, safe, educational, fun and loving environment, even through all the struggles they have had. They should feel so proud of themselves and they have worked hard and sacrificed so much over the years. Shauna, I am sure, will be so happy at her college. So much attention and constant routines will help her to feel really secure and settled. I hope I get to visit her at some point but I know she needs time to settle in properly. Ashlee will have her parents back with undivided attention which will hopefully help her to blossom in to a confident, independent woman. I love them all very much and I really hope the next few weeks go smoothly 🤞
Right, I've been really good at going to bed at a sensible time, although last night I turned my computer off quite late, but still, I'm resting. I've been watching Piers Morgan interview convicted killers and I find it fascinating and luckily it doesn't give me nightmares.
Not sure if I should set my alarm or not. I had a break from exercise today so hoping to go out for a little jog in the morning as haven't done one since Wednesday, but I think I might just see how I feel when I wake up and just roll with it.
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