Thursday, 27 August 2020

Day 161 & 162 - Lockdown Locks

Busy busy! I'm keeping myself as busy as possible and in the evening I've been trying to finish watching The Fall in-between sitting with Rob and scrolling through pages of cars.  It's so difficult to pick one but I am grateful that I am in the fortunate position to actually have a choice in the first place.  We have to get it sorted this weekend!

Yesterday I went out for a run and then the plan was to do something with the boys as the weather was actually quite good all day.  I'm typing this Thursday (now Saturday) evening and I can't remember what we did!  My memory is really bad at the moment.

I must have showered and went out in the car at some point as I took a photo. 😂 Oh, I remember now (2 days later) that I went to Asda to find some shirts for Leo as the ones that I had ordered from M&S didn't fit him!  Luckily I managed to find some, although later discovered that both Ellis and Leo have grown out of their school trousers they tried on only a few weeks ago! 😱

Thursday was a really busy day and I hardly sat down.  It started with a long run then I picked up the food shop and put that away, dragged the kids out in the car before 11am, which is unheard of these days, and went to the Skoda garage to sit in a couple of cars.  We got rained on and the boys were quickly bored so we didn't stay long.

We popped in to see Nanna and Grumps for a quick chat and then on the way home for lunch I stopped at their GP surgery to try and organise for their prescriptions to be delivered and hopefully we can order what they need online to make it so much easier.  The lady on the reception desk wasn't particularly helpful though so I still need to sort that out.  It's on my now very long list of things to do.

I got an appointment for Leo to get his hair cut at the local barber and he was happy to go as wanted his hair nice for starting at big boy school. 👍



After 😊

I love it and it makes him look more grown up.

Next stop was the post office, followed by another trip to M&S to return the unwanted items before going home to get everything ready for Leo going to school.  I checked through his pencil case, made sure his bag was ready and uniform ironed, labeled and hung up for him.  I also made sure he knew where everything was in his bag.

I've tried to get Ellis motivated to sort through his things but he's the biggest procrastinator, like his Dad, so I suspect he'll be wanting me to go shopping for him on Monday! 😬

With both the older 2 boys going to school full time from Tuesday, Oscar is getting excited about spending some time with just me, which is lush.  He wants to go bowling, followed by pizza hut and crazy golf at some point.  I'm sure we can fit that in.

Putting Leo to bed, I spent a bit of time with him talking about the next day and he seemed okay about it all, which is great!

I finished watching The Fall.  It was okay.  I liked the ending, but I found the whole series too slow for me and they went into way too much detail about unimportant things and left loads of loose endings.

Excited for Leo to be starting big school and I hope he settles in quickly.

I realise I still haven't finished my bucket list or added the travel diary to my blog entries, and I will get on with it soon, ish.

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