I'm losing track of the days and everything is just merging together. I'm totally lacking in focus this week and have no idea what I am doing. Tomorrow I need to get organised so that I don't just float through the week without any plans.
I need to get the boys hair cuts done and have to finish off sorting out school clothes, getting it labeled up etc and I also want to do something nice with the boys before they all go back to their school and club routines. But what to do!? 🤔
Yesterday Mum and Cherry came over for a visit. The plan was to go for a walk but the kids were so happy just laughing and playing in the garden that we thought it was better to just stay home. Me and Mum talked while I pottered about, doing the ironing etc and they stayed for the whole afternoon.
I went to netball training and it was awesome! It was different but good. It was nice to see people in the flesh and I love running around and chucking a ball about. We had to stay in small groups and away from each other which made marking difficult and I have no idea how they are going to police it in an actual game, so will be interesting to find out once the season starts again. After every drill you have to sterilise your hands and the ball, which is horrible as you end up with slimey balls and sticky hands! 😂 We only trained for an hour but I enjoyed it and I'm disappointed that there won't be any next week due to the bank holiday. It was good but still strange. Had a weird vibe about it all but I'll take it.
Once home I snuggled with Oscar watching Sugar Rush on Netflix. Love that programme but makes me want to make vanilla buttercream to nail it straight from the bowl. I think I love cake, but has to be a certain type of cake. I don't like fruit cakes and not that keen on chocolate sponge. I especially love the creamy fillings and cream cheese icing. 😋
I didn't get to bed as early as I would have liked last night but that's okay because this morning I switched my alarm off and went back to sleep. I need to cherish the lie ins really as I soon won't be able to have any with everything starting back up again. I didn't wake up until 8:45am and felt groggy for most of the day though.
After eventually getting everyone up and ready we went to Saskia's house. We wanted to do something with the kids but the weather was pants so we ended up just staying it.
We stayed long enough for me to have 2 huge mugs of tea and a nice catch up with Saskia. From there we went to M&S to pick up an order, then went to Nan and Grandad's house via McDonalds.
It was lovely to see my Dad who I haven't seen very much of over the last few months. He's usually busy working but we actually sat down with a cuppa and had a chat, even a giggle about something, but I can't remember what about, but was good to laugh.
We didn't stay too long as we had to get back for dinner and Ellis was due to be picked up to go to rugby training for the first time since forever. He was actually going to try out at a new club and he really, really didn't want to go but I'm so glad Rob forced the issue as he came home buzzing! It was so nice to see him genuinely happy. He loved the work out, said they worked him hard, that he liked the others there and that it was nice to see some old faces. 😍
I'm trying to watch the last few episodes of The Fall but I can't concentrate on it. Might try taking the laptop to bed and see if I can watch it there, but will probably just end up asleep. 😊
I realise I haven't done the travel diary for the last couple of days and I'll try and do that tomorrow sometime as need to use my computer rather than the laptop for that.
Hope everyone is still staying safe and careful in these crazy times. Boris has just announced that senior school kids will need to wear masks when they walk around the school etc but Ellis and Leo's school seem to have put things in place to stop so much movement around the school. They'll have to wear them on the bus though. Ellis is fine with a mask, Leo tolerates it in small doses but doesn't feel comfortable wearing it. I've been okay with it but I am starting to hate it more and more. It's starting to feel more like a muzzle than a comfort blanket of safety. 😷
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